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The Billionaire's Love Rival

The Billionaire's Love Rival

Author: A king

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 1036    |    Released on: 17/12/2021

ky, in a beautiful Mansion, an average man and a woma

ttle Robert was met with the sudden news of t

om and cried his heart out ref

rey said standing by the door, he had been th

parents back" Robert screa

opped the tray on the floor, he felt sad for his

happiness would end just like that, his parents were the warm

d a tiny little girl of seven

cked, he didn't want her father to sc

see my friend" Suzy l

s you" he expressed his concerns as h

She pulled out an apple from

d shared it with her, he had init

ur parents flew to heaven and that they would be sa

tell her that his parents where de

he felt comfortable

blinking her big b

he m


u home" he replied obli

hens tomorrow" she s

jumped down from his

his alarm which showed 6:59, he was late, she was leaving in a minute and he was prepared. He sprung to his feet and ran outsi

said noticing that he was out of his room an

a grey suit with black hair, grey eyes, chisel ja

Sir" A lady

edule like" Robert ask

he next one hour and he relayed that he would also be

he took over his parents company and growing it to what it was today. He was not

meeting, he proceeded to the Lab

m handshake and took his seat completel

rt" Dan, an averag

Camella" Dan introduced

silence in the room

e same deal, why don't Ro

ould be offering you 10% of the prof

amilla cut in receiving

nted. Camilla was striking a better d

d, he wasn't going

gain, she smirked at Rober

e to bring yours dow

uld earn a little because of the expenses of m

e contract, you can send the document to

ou think you are"

o hard feelings Robert" She picked


cursed as he en

st friend asked while watc

deal that I worked hard for" He compl

when it comes to business, how do you think

ng and passionate about her work, most people judged her for

thought hard on how he would

andle it"

st his bestfriend, he was his assassin, so if Lyon said

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