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The chosen

Chapter 4 In the woods

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 21/12/2021

dressed in heavy protective garments that also helped them for their disguise as they walked by around. They took a clear look outside Hardulf store and made sure it was all cle

an old scrolled which happened to be a ma

riedly while stacking all the

short time" Bella suggested as she looked around the room, at this point Edward was so uneasy and impatient, he felt like they s

hey decided to carry hardulf's body and wrapped it with a big piece os cloth they found in the room. They

nt types of creatures where in great competition of power. They walk around the village and notice how the people living around are so religios and seem to be protecting thems

seemed to be so happy by seing this. She starts running down the road heading away from the market as Edwa

he only way they had to go through so as to reach Bella's home. They were both tired and hungry at the same time but they had no choice but to keep moving. As they approached

he dark" Shouted bella as she fol

ted to one of the inhabitants

time getting a long with them." Said bella as she fo

see in the dar

to her, his eyes were glowing same

I knew nothin

a wolf. They reach next to a dark cave that was filled with a lot of stones and decided to take a rest,they were almost halfway their journey

e fire, I will be

w, I do

rby animal to hunt. Silence covers the entire spot she was standing and a branch is heard breaking in a distance behind her. She quickly turns her head and looks behind in a fixed position,no

eral trees in a mind blowing way. She was so strong and and moved very quickly and jumped on top of the deer scratching it with her sharp nails. Within no minute the deer was down groaning in pain

er on the flow and licks the blood of her fingers. Edward who was starring at her

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1 Chapter 1 Life far from home2 Chapter 2 The run3 Chapter 3 Homecoming4 Chapter 4 In the woods5 Chapter 5 Bella is home6 Chapter 6 Escape plan7 Chapter 7 The get out8 Chapter 8 The moon community9 Chapter 9 Adventure Time10 Chapter 10 Transformation11 Chapter 11 Back in time12 Chapter 12 Mother of peace13 Chapter 13 Mother comes home14 Chapter 14 A quiet place15 Chapter 15 The chase16 Chapter 16 Fallen wolf17 Chapter 17 Desperate times18 Chapter 18 The flame stick19 Chapter 19 The chosen20 Chapter 20 Monster in the woods21 Chapter 21 World war22 Chapter 22 The pilot23 Chapter 23 Dead wolf24 Chapter 24 Captives25 Chapter 25 Jail break26 Chapter 26 Good morning London27 Chapter 27 The doctors mind28 Chapter 28 A calm day29 Chapter 29 A taste of love30 Chapter 30 A man with the coat31 Chapter 31 Just like old times32 Chapter 32 The safe side33 Chapter 33 A night in the moon34 Chapter 34 The Big catch35 Chapter 35 The chase36 Chapter 36 The wolf Slayer 37 Chapter 37 Vlad38 Chapter 38 Hunting the warrior39 Chapter 39 Here comes the wolf40 Chapter 40 The Let out41 Chapter 41 Gift of Life42 Chapter 42 New Beginnings43 Chapter 43 The Lonely Witch44 Chapter 44 The Hidden world45 Chapter 45 Where it all started46 Chapter 46 The Legend of The Chosen47 Chapter 47 The Revenge48 Chapter 48 The Godwolf (Spirit of the Chosen)49 Chapter 49 Let's Do This50 Chapter 50 The Queen Mother51 Chapter 51 Last Shot52 Chapter 52 The Witches Wish53 Chapter 53 The Rebirth54 Chapter 54 Silent Hunter55 Chapter 55 Love Struggles56 Chapter 56 Davis57 Chapter 57 Road To Nowhere58 Chapter 58 Friends From The Moon59 Chapter 59 Nowhere To Run60 Chapter 60 Monster Trap61 Chapter 61 All Eyes Open62 Chapter 62 Witch Way63 Chapter 63 A Friend In Need64 Chapter 64 Sent From Hell65 Chapter 65 Suicide wish66 Chapter 66 A Visitor In Town67 Chapter 67 In The Limelight68 Chapter 68 Breaking Loose69 Chapter 69 The Inside Man70 Chapter 70 The Fire Spell71 Chapter 71 The Wolf's Young Blood72 Chapter 72 Dark Times73 Chapter 73 Soul and Power74 Chapter 74 Guardian Angel75 Chapter 75 Good Life76 Chapter 76 Final Shot77 Chapter 77 Bloody Encounter78 Chapter 78 Running To Destiny79 Chapter 79 The Gifted80 Chapter 80 Nightmare to be81 Chapter 81 The Living Dead82 Chapter 82 Who Is The Man83 Chapter 83 The Dark God84 Chapter 84 Anna85 Chapter 85 King and Queen86 Chapter 86 Caught In The Day87 Chapter 87 Here I come88 Chapter 88 Damien's Wrath89 Chapter 89 Darkest Days90 Chapter 90 Woman With The Black Veil91 Chapter 91 Secret Desires92 Chapter 92 All Seeing Eye93 Chapter 93 Evil Times94 Chapter 94 Turning Roads95 Chapter 95 Blame Games