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Chapter 5 Blood lips and witch

Word Count: 1316    |    Released on: 22/12/2021


r the ride


e you tomorrow and don't forget

I will, bye". He

ant, she changed her dr

o serve the

that man over ther

d and happily went to

. She asked looki

up his head

in". She

you work here". He sm

t me....". She sai

tep and loose your job". He

d at him, she know wh

guess this restaurant is for everybody not for one person, so why are you be

y are the only one

dn't know how I managed to refer you as 'Sir'.....am

". He smirked and l

st ruin my mo


shouting sayin

she checked her wall

, she was told the drug p

being watching paid for the drugs and

e". He said and left w


me discount?". She asked


s it". Kim y

d tempe

someone paid for them already". The lady said

. She picked it

.am really sorry". Kim sh

m wondered and went back ins

disclose it to you,

again, help me thank hi

he saw Jamal, he was

one". She


The bell for

e class went o

studying her for

said adjust

ak". Mabel asked pretending as if she

shed business to complete". Kim lied, deep down

lem,see you later".

. Kim


ys, Lizzy is inside the room with tony,

t of s*x. He ejected h

g properly?"

lugged in your ear, I said am

are tired instead I will be the one begging, what is wrong?

ve before I lose it". He warne

oom with her d

me". He wondered st

ps and saw the li

hed him

ays pay?". He said


m, and it a tradition in our school to write test or

nts began

lking so keep shut". He shouted at them all. The cl

out projects. But this time y'all are doing a project".

manners.....". He spat

uys will come out and pick the rolled papers, just

emanded and they di

k and

s and

ony a

and T

and I

the topic to wor

ony, beaut

nd Mabel

mah, the last

eemah, unbre


mit it, failure to do so you

left, the cla

she was marge with spark, tha

s and Mabel can get

u say so?".

she turned him down,since then

?". Kim asked pointing at spark who

saw them,sh

ight back". She said a

opportunity to

ng this". He muttered b

him, she frow

a once reared". He spat and placed

l him myself". She got up and picked the paper, without c


iting can't be compared with anyone el

d hard at Ki

t want to snatch my


thinking twice she jumped o

y right?". She shouted

zy?". Tony s

m his hair but she is to

t of the hair, som

orcefully pushed her away making her storm on the floor h

resent ran off w

eless, her head i

those who were present rushed to her.......

shook her body, n

..". She shou

d carried her lifeless body,

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