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Chapter 2 It's not nice

Word Count: 407    |    Released on: 25/12/2021

falling from her brown eyes that wa

ked at her that way. She looked stunned as she held her cheek lo

d her stomach looking down at her as she screamed out loud

id you hear me?!" She yelled at her and with Victoria's hands covering her face. "Yes, ma'am. I'm

if it and realized why she did that. Her madam felt ashamed in front o

that again but didn't a

" Madam exclaime

to the kitchen. The house was hug

reated her bad not knowing thin

't Victoria's friend anymore. She's always pushing, slapping and beating

black marks on her skin, even if she wanted to resign she couldn't not onl

am and also doing the dishes, she sat on a couch resting when her madam wa

er attention before

ng?" Sh

." she stood up as she stammered.

he said with

nice" Vict

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