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Married To More Men Than Usual

Married To More Men Than Usual


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1306    |    Released on: 31/12/2021


g and your sister is fainted!" My mothe

dy. Just some minutes m

s ago and you want more minutes?! Better get h

g in and out slowly but thi

fe have to be

church and standing right in

ou so long?!

for this. Come. Foll

and he starts walking me

le but he doesn't know that he is getting m

mind totally blanked out, it finall

ke Richard as your law


kiss th

in for a kiss b

n my eyes clashes with the

t he see or notice anything? Why are they all like t

the guests get up from

o that part but went back to my sad s

Miss Kendra is wha

husband. A definite h

be wondering w

ng was fixed for me at that very m

me right, oth

o a man and changes her mind at the

een. My step sister was twenty at that time and that

y parents and my step sister. The weird

I don't even know what she has done or is doing t

ed me to do whatever she wants. It's a

re my parents and also

this world that matt

s, Money, and

g but a puppet

d and that damned tutor of mine and it

hat Kira would

om the very beginning so you will understand my situation

n so you will understand what my relationship used to be with my parents, ev

what I made for you.

side her and watc

is it?" S

mmy. Happy birt

it! But... It's not my bir

ated it well this time..." I

and carried me, plac

t that matters."

ebrate it. We will celebrate that our little Ken

I said, jumping

m mommy's lap

run along.

living room and w

our lives, just the three of us. Until I

, I walked down the stairs and m

my. Good morning

ess. How was your n

ul!" I c

energetic and fun liv

ring for your lesson. The tutor

." I

st lesson and the tutor had arrived,

th a surprise for

t is the surpr

it till we ret

is lesson. I was never allowed to go

cious diamond, at least that

ut this but rich have thi

o you expect? I haven't seen any m

m my parents that I know. You don'

much. I'm ten and he's just... Twenty five... Okay there's

oked so young and is

it was time for

impressed with your improvement in st

said with a

little girl." He said, giv

e but I held his han

lone in the house. And they always come back late. B

s at him so he w

ut just this once ok

said, e

me." I said, dragg

here and went up

ts had but all for me cause I'm such a fan

and inserted it and tur

and Jerry movie and laughed together till night tim

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