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The Better Place

Chapter 4  Rose ( 2)

Word Count: 1193    |    Released on: 03/01/2022

ely Lucy

e pent house the sweet aroma of so

e kitchen and as she guessed sh

im she walked slowly and h

umped but recognizing the

me dead, uh? " Ada

would you say so?

ve me a heart atta

I didn't mean to" she

" Adam laughed to lighten the atmosphere but seeing Lucy

eetie? " he asked in a

ith Jeremy is not going well and it breaks my hear

a be alright, so don't wor

I almost forgot that y

the dining table, I will be t

" Lucy


ke Lucy moaned when the cake melted in her

be blessed with such a

alf of the whole cake Adam smi

uo cuddled on the bed a

other hand was having a dreadful night as her eyes were

aid that he wants to go back to his ex an

ely heartbroken she

nother woman's arms alm

d to drench her p

ed like a ghost even she

seeing it was Lucy calling s

how are you doi

" Rose stuttered finding it impo

s worried as she knew t

e you okay? have you be

Rose replied " I am

ase tell me what's go

broke up with me!

essing this would happen she never knew that it w

be there in twenty minute

hed she never expected something li

fter The call she still couldn't believ

? or was he just playing her

did this have to happ

s house it was a mini duplex as

e though the latter was rich and Wealth

as the black sheep and Was always bullied and stamped on by

met Rose was a day sh

l Goddess, Naomi when Rose came out of nowhere and saved her

this was the first question Rose

herself, ' am

ening? " Rose who was sta

" she

s question, why couldn't you j

ucy was left

ve me an answer at least " Rose demand

s because from the way she carried herself and her clothes Lu

es to save her, ' aren't all ri

u are Spacing out again? "

d you save me? " L

did? " Rose threw he

times before and there was no one to save me so

help a damsel in distress not knowing that I

but she waved it away and thought

an you at least tell me the reason why you are being

at I am always sca

was an understatement, she was wondering why a t

s absurd. '

y would do to me if I f

d could you please tell me the reaso

y to Rose by the time she was done her stoma

s Lucy and Rose because

rateful to Rose for maki

e indebted to in a situation like this breaks her h

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