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Chapter 1 Sineas Murphy

Word Count: 1068    |    Released on: 05/01/2022

ad finally served its purpose. Breechwood was one of the most serene neighbourhoods in the city. There had been no murder or suicide for the past thirty-eight years. Until now. The Mu

e carpet to the furniture in the room was just pure innocence. His father’s head was on a glass table about knee high, his knees planted on the floor. He was bent over by the foot of a black couch. The only couch in the room. A small television set a few feet to Sineas' left was probably the only source of entertainment in the house. No decorations on the wall. The room could have served best as a storage room. Just behind Sineas was the entrance to the kitchen, beside it- the woo

he gun and the obtrusive gash in his father’s head. The tears ran on down his face. He fell down onto his knees and reached for his father’s han

: a white lab coat over a white blouse and a short, black skirt that ended just above her knees. She had a short afro, which was a typical hairstyle for most of the black people in Breechwood. She had

once more as she

told her when she tried

over her mouth before embracing him tightly. ‘Oh, Sin, my son I am so sorry! It’s okay. Papa is just

obeyed but he looked m

wrist and pulled him closer. ‘Say it

a,’ he whis

ck of her hand. ‘I said, say it louder!’ Her face had

ep again. ‘Mam

y the hair and began pulling it, using it as a handle to lift h

ing. ‘Hello, papa!!!’ he wailed

. She pulled the thick leather belt from her boyfriends waist. ‘Do you w

d retreated into the corner of

. A nasty colour. Either from anger or grief it was hard to tell

ear. He looked once at his father and t

nced tow

from her hand. She immediately rushed to her nephew’s aid. She was in her red velvet blouse and black jeans. Her hair was in braids. Qui

ear, his skinny arms stil

around him. ‘Priscilla, what has

end. She was weeping uncontrollably. Her cries were in gasps. She was fatigued. She

hould be strong…for him.’ Janice had no

as she continued to cry

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