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Midnight Pack

Midnight Pack

Author: L.K.Mpinda

Chapter 1 Discovery

Word Count: 3385    |    Released on: 07/01/2022

bed as his skin turned pale and body temperature rose.

important before I go " he utters t

d tight Please don't leave me" cr

, it was time for Denise Patterman to unveil these to his daughter as his

you all these years contains the secrets of the Werewol

he found it hard to believe w

s are hiding their identities among

species went to war against each other emerging from the underwor

the Bloodshed every night of

on a secret door to my cellar will appear. The rest of the instructions are in this booklet take the las

t she can't do anything but watch him turn paler shredding his hair off the scalp of his head. A few minutes later the ambulance arrived

final resting place hopefully they meet again. The sunset paves way for the moonlight brighten

loud signals the alpha pack to hunt down trespassers within their territory. Gobbling and chewing flesh in cold blood leaving decayed corpses for scavengers. With his super sense

ger the transformation from commencing. Mark Swindon never missed a target once he sets eyes on the prey he's fully focused arching his

speed and stopped before the man as

ned or try to run away from


he was a werewolf and he was a lost Vampire who fled from Transylvania he managed to survive the plague between the werewolves and vampires from the underworld. He was well known as Zeke Halloway the blood luster as he craved for nothing

you doing here you sc


ike you again! I guess I did I'll just have ripped off

a lone wolf in his territory, I'll send you back to

enabling him to soar into the sky giving Mark a huge disadvantage, the only thought he had in mi

l you catch me now, hahaha you path

is back in human form again he looks at the mirror seeing his face changing from lycanthrope to an average man. Rumors of a werewolf

button a secret door to my cellar will appear. The rest of the instructions are in this booklet ta

est Comrade Emelia Lorozón, they have been friends for over a decade now since

rrived she received a big warm welcome from her colleagues and a bo

absence was deeply felt I'm glad you're back ju

ntists so broadly showing her appreciation for g

thanks for helping me find my feet again I appreciate it

ollected equipment, chemicals, and apparatuses they could use to creat

e it's because I haven't been here

changed since then, we had new chemicals arriving from abroad, and most import

glasses and white coats each. Olivia opened the package of sampl

ll have to share a secret f

dog and cat DNA on the empty tube. Oops, I better not forget the wolf's saliva to expect relevant answers. After mixing all th

ecause I've never seen anything like thi

I call it to sample since it's doesn't have a proper name yet

gang 2.0 since It's able to transfor

e, all we have to do is test it on somebody to

r blood, Emelia hands a note pad in hand to record the outcome of the experiment. They took a few steps back as they watched at the amount of fur spreading in large numbers all over the

hed her mission completing wolfmen she started to believe

pen writing down quite a

ailuranthropy so that's the average transformation without the influence of

ng to see a transformation from man to Lycan he wrote down a list of

does it mean these species still hide

at the test room, Denzel called a meet

e to prepare questions to be answered, I, therefore, summon a meeting by 15:00 all of you should be in attendance, I believe it comm

to the parking lot driving to a nearby fast

wrong you seem worried about the experiment

you because I trust you more than anyone else here" Emelia looks at Olivi

d hands one to Emelia, they both t

ept from humanity explains how Werewolves and vampires first went to war against each other from the underworld emerging to o

and watched Emelia left stunned deep in her

imented, I'm willing to help you solve this rid

the cellar showing it to her beloved friend. She opens the booklet

tand further information or perhaps put an end to this plague that has bee

their door banging h

head to the board room immediately" I

turned on to ensure safety. By 14:55 every scientist was gathered with a discussion at the

f the discussion. Denzel marched into the boardroom with a file containing new information he found ou

r attending the meeting held right here, secondly I would like to present to you new

that odor the serum spawned was similar to wolf saliva, the hair spreading in unusual

e my research regarding the experiment, we all know that Werewolves and vampires have been enemies since the sixth century. I sugg

rdroom stared at Olivia kee

led at Oli

ave permission to present it to

nd promising information about them. Werewolves are vulnerable to anything that contains silver this may include bullets, anothe

to listen to more of what yo

roar could be heard it was nearby

cried out Dax, everyone scrambling all over the p

s the Wolfman with a Pickett on his hands raising it high in position swung it at the head, but with a blink of an eye the werewolf dodged the Pickett and raised its hands grabbed Denze

she topless the huge board table with the helping ha

pocket shooting it directly at the Wol

l deal with this son of a bitc

glassy eyes she whispers into his "

wn her cheeks. Suddenly she heard a huge explosion boooom! Sh

Dax?" ask

own her cheeks breaking d

ing lot driving home. The firefighters arrived at the empt

would like you to arrive at my place tonight we'

ed agreeing

to bask at night in full strength. Emelia arri

it's Emelia he

ave work to do"

a the booklet whil

going to Mona

he wall. Olivia unhung the portrait off the wall an oak door with

es and vampires it a bundle of books I see

r. The cellar looked like a hundred years old cobwe

Olivia?" said Emelia as she stared

t could give us a clue to what we're

lague and end the war between vampires and werewolves‚. Olivia and Emelia stared at each other wondering who between w

a Rhyme written at the blurb of the book. Emelia grabb

ancestors com

ion I shall

rity to unveil thi

round it. It couldn't open, Olivia read the burb the rhythmic spell the book glowed goldish in color paging itself through till

y use it when relevant" the wand appeared from the book

g me the privilege t


and Budapest Worthy to possess objects forged through

Werewolves and vampires and return peace to humani

lds Olivi

cy it's about time to fulfill it, I still

gether with lifted spirits closing the door behin

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