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Tempting You

Chapter 5 House Party

Word Count: 890    |    Released on: 14/01/2022

g by and distributing Alcohol drinks. Some of us are still minors. The waiter approaches us. I re

ave come here

ce she got close to me. I surveyed the mansion with my eyes and wrinkle

eme sudden

is party? I tried to look f

t want to waste your time at this kind of party.

asked. You shoul

g her. I could only reveal my secret

id to you about the bro

, I don't understand your strange preference for older men-- Aw!

nfatuation of your stepfather's br

n in the pool. But it was only for a

isplay of affection. If I do not take my eyes off of what is

o our hous


red a

me finish what

d, raising her hands

him. I swear I've never seen Nicolai bring a woman before. That

the pain in your stupid heart, but whatever you convinced yourself, you still love him.

who it was Louie

their lips as they continued to kiss. There were people arou

beside me. Her hands were clenched and the way her eyes looked

er eyes wit

o remove my hands fr

u know

yes to where sh

w could your boyfriend kiss another woman whil

oke up with?" Louies ha

ow, tha

he does now, I am still the one he will en

asshole guy like him? " She just gave me a wry smile. There was somethin

left our place and went t

. And all the people who were there w

ommotion among

n the back with a broken glass wine bottle. What happened next was that I witnessed Louise repeatedly s

to catch some air. I felt like

id I s

t to see his face. As he pressed me and buried my face in h

from him when I hit him

He almost held onto th


ock. I suddenly forgo

e Nic

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