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SACRED: The Chosen One

Chapter 3 Uncovering

Word Count: 1617    |    Released on: 11/01/2022

sen One(The Dia

wakening th





North Calif

ey ran looking back to taunt those chasing them. Both are a boy and

gainst the ground. “This is getting bored, should we just kill th

e they look so much alike, they look same age,

be if we do that?” He a

ld be thinking we’re weak!” She

ct?” He replied picking a scent l

hough our wolf came out early, we’re still young for all

e chasing them hasn’t catch them yet. Quietly his ear pic

of arrows shot straight inside the wall. The girl gasped shocked by what’s going

s, collect their money, that’s nothin

!” She said with sudden unknown

we hurt them actually, but..” he was

t all burn to ashes before they near her. Like a wildfire her anger grow for not finding them quick, looking deep into t

her. “Do you feel better no

don’t, I miss Cry

those who later poured you what I don’t

r, please let go back

nue on our search of finding why we’re different, what makes us different, how exactly we’re different! D

f the food we have left in that bag and how sleeping on the f



a boy! Their back facing me, our actions I can’t tell. But I c

ls, the dark cloud ranging color from red to dark

is, but why! Why am I seeing all

shiny under the dark clouds, suddenly it feels like am in his mind, I start knowing his memories till I kn

hey glow fire even in trance, having same access to her mind I can see where she is and some of her

e’s different, I see her somewhere familiar, an

s my eyes turned black and dark fogs gather quickly

Something is in me?

his powers on I don’t know. I did it again and this time it worked but on anothe

ts also, it was such a nice family, I‘m glad am born to that family but where

mom witchy genes, so maybe I should be able to cast spells. Recalling a sp

as the object flew across the room hitting t

just find o

e already because of how eager I am to be there, and it was then I discover new powers like teleportation because I’m truly there right now. Me disc

nking about even tho I wish to find out. And boom I suddenly can hear her talking even though her

uld be calling her mom and it felt good doing so, it makes

ked snapping b

tch!” I smile b

I showed her by moving one of the standing guards rod. She beamed coming down,

a wit


. “She’s here, you should find her, where the lowest and biggest lurk, there she walk,

said. Lowest and biggest lurk!? There she walk!

where she believes, does that

in he asked the queen what he said. The queen surprised asked how he knew he said

he word. His face lit up, he remembered something, upon all the three minds a

t the palace door, the queen asked what h

ettling his mind on one thing, the girl’s face and long black hair. Unconsciousl

tting his ear, looking around he found her sited with legs curled up

normal. She raised up looking at him, seeing she had no opti

will come back for you, stay right here, I will come in

n her race thinking the enemies f


you’re all u

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