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The Reverine Savior

The Reverine Savior



Word Count: 9359    |    Released on: 19/01/2022




horoughly ironed white suit. On his left wrist, a golden watch and on his right hand, his car keys dangled. A white slim tie obediently flopp

bulged udders probably pleading for a relief by getting milked. A herdsman was always quick to the response but since he was out at the fields cutting fodder, the cows had to be patient. Just behind the main house,

ay was here and seemed sooner than she had expected it. To send some message of love, she decided to be madam purple, for this was her husband's favorite color. Her sleeveless purple and flimsy dress

years down the line when they were still in high school he had desired this girl but did he have the guts to propose? Alikula kwa macho. He had marveled at how her slim waist managed to comfortably support her round fairly large bottom. He thumped his chest with

creen. The house maid dutifully packed the clothes and other necessities that the master= as Obange Donmax was commonly referred to by his servitudes, would need on his impending journey.

before the gateman shot up to perform his function. The pick-up was driven next to the cowshed where by assistance of two other fellow worker

oved the sort of prevailing organization of the work employed by his employees. They required no supervision and he offered none. If only they wo

"Lunch is ready sweetheart," she hissed in his ears. The two strode back into the house, Obange Donmax self-assured that he was approaching his self-actualization. Much

ing amen, broke in laughter. Billy was a little disappointed but largely assured that he was an upcoming comedian as even his ever serious dad exposed his teeth. The happy family enjoyed the meal whole hea

g loneliness. He paused and the room fell dead silent. He continued, "My PhD in BMA will be too demanding to entertain any unnecessary division of attention. I must recognize the fact that you have been too loyal for my service and it is an effort which cannot be ignored. The mistress will always be out of the co

arted from them. A minute or so later, one of the cowboys spoke in a wavy voice, "Good luck master, your success is our pride." The little Billy ran across the room to where his dad sat and demanded, "I must go with you!" he said as he lu

themselves onto the back seats. Helen Muyale sat on the front next to Obange Donmax as he himself was to drive. He lowered the tinted windows, waved at the remaining household and veered off towards the main g

aces you primates before I slash al

houted to the gateman, "Open the gate we are deporting him to the neighbor's homestead for we are already fed up with him." The victim kicked helplessly like a housefly entangled within a cobweb. He managed to free himself and went direct

actly 4:00 pm, the news' hour. Soon a reporter echoed. "Good evening and thank you for tuning, this is Hope FM and it's a minute on top of the hour, I am Melisa. Headlines, Obange Donmax wins again this year's novel writers' award following his two other successive awards currently on his novel titled An End to the Taxpayers' Burden

ed to this therefore she wasn't taken aback by the sudden halt of the drive. "God I disappear so that you may appear, I vanish so as to create space for you to manifest your glory. I'm dumb for I know that you will speak sense on my behalf, may y


d fro and adventurous atmosphere prevailed. For the first time, Helen Muyale envied her husband for the opportunity he had secured. Nonetheless, he deserved it as she convinced herself especially when she flashed back on the mysterie

ter man was the megalomaniac political situation in his country. The melodramatic rallies were full of deceit, murders were committed behind the political scenes, and the worst was that t

er irrespective of the social class. He was convinced that it was going to be a herculean task though it was going to form the hub of his satisfactory living. He was ready to take the risk. He had to expose the social injustices, all the political, social and economic byzantine had to be b

ate time for he was convinced that there is nothing impossible under the sun as long as one believed in ideological maturity and not be misled by biological age; which makes one to think anti-c

d emotions of joy, panic and anxiety ran down their hearts simultaneously. They however had to survive it. This was one of the ups and downs they were promised to face in their marriage at the altar on their wedding day which they had made an oath to survive in totall

ead before gently lowering them onto the ground. He turned to embrace his dear wife who fell on his chest. Caressing her back gently, he kissed her soft lips and released her before their temperatures rose t

travel with his dad and now all he wanted was a personal car for a gift when his dad returns home. For S

and out her mind. Some of her imaginations made her stiffen on her seat as she drove. Suppose her husband established a new relationship with a white woman in Cuba and failed to come back home? What of if he comes back home with another woman as her co-wife? What of the plane crashing and him being brought back in a

ated by a novel he had recently read about a colonial governor. This particular highly respected governor caught his wife red-handed on his bed with h

er and a black mini skirt. As a matter of fact, she was such a stellar woman. She possessed an awesome and highly impressive round set of breasts. Her smooth brown thighs calmly protruded from

ee years. He felt a wave of fright sweep through him at the thought that with all these he had to uphold the sanctity of his marriage.

id not just know how to really broach the subject for the fear of being perceived as a sleazy woman. She was t

but fear seized her throat and only a shaky sound was pronounced instead, making her even more vulnerable than before. Time would however de

at; Jong Xi was his name. He was stoutly built and stone faced. His character was questionable outwardly right from his physical appearance. They had tra

on before. He came to Kenya as a tourist with the ill intension of trading in wildlife whose market was readily available in Cuba. He safely c

e jumped onto his seat as the Cobra raised its head. If only

e lady besides him seized an opportunity to lay her tr

She melliflu

." Obange Donma

l slumber with your unnecessary shouts."

or you would have broken the window

ever perturbed both of them and that was, how on earth can you ever propose to someone you are meeting for the first time? To keep the conve

dled by the increasing attraction and the impending bedlam which would arise in his marriage if he happened to fall into the trap. Even if

o travel this far without gettin

ll me Obange D

and a human right activist in the very university where Obange was headed thus they still had plenty of time to recall, comprehend, apply, analyze and finally synthesize each

Kenyan!" he remarked with finality. They were jolly all that lo

rested on his soul. He restlessly sat on his seat figuring the next course of action to take before he landed in Kenyan prison for stealing their wildlife. The Chinese was convinced beyond doubt

ficers. He had to work swiftly, quickly and smartly. He swore to rather die than to decompose in the filthy cells behind the bars for his

grasped the parachute on the left hand. Obange Donmax had been keen on him all the time since the scenario erupted. He surmised that the man could be in possession of mo

hus he limped towards where the gun had landed so as to grab and shoot Obange Donmax first before dealing with the rest. He was just inches away from the gun when Obange Donmax kicked the gun further from him before rewarding him with another hefty blow on the

e saved the rest from premature death and their respective families from post traumatic stress disorder. T

affectionately. Still embracing him, she whispered in his ears, "Am proud of you Donmax."

ent to Kenya wildlife services. A re-check was done so as to ensure that no other mischievous animals shared the same flight with the dignitari

before even from a soldier. Both of them were satisfied

ght in her apartment so as to leave for school in the morning as it was an odd hour to walk along the rather hazy

acted to, is no joke Olivia," he confessed firmly but with fi

She thereafter drove off to her apartments feeling rather turned down by Obange's denial of her offer. She somehow blamed herself for primarily co

night before being officially assigned a room and starting the admission process the following day. He was utter

oor. At the door Olivia stood the least of what he had expected. Their morality was somehow questionable though they could be excused for the

y arranged teeth and dimpled cheeks as she handed him the newspaper. At the fore page, a huge picture of the plane they had bo


d never failed to buy daily newspapers. She thus parked her car by a newspaper vendor to pick one and was astonished to

ss in time to come. She drove off to the hospital. Right at the parking space, she thought it prudent to recogniz

dy missing me." Obange Donmax

r my calling, big up for preventing the tragedy and am highly thankful to Almighty that he prevented the nonsen

nded it back to Olivia and thanked her. She had intended to invite him for breakfast, afte

t just this soon. He once again turned down the offer and headed for the cafeteria giving an excuse

bathing, he took a jotter and strode towards the hall where they were to have an inaugural meeting wi

Jesus who, when his mother asked him to offer a hand of help at the wedding before changing water to wine, he answered Mary his mother that, "W

ll. One thing however amused him; every white seemed to be doppel

rt of legacy he would have wished to leave behind, the sort of eulogy he could love to hear in burial if those who die listens.

ed beyond doubt that unless he stood in the gap to bring justice, then nobody would do it on his behalf. Initially he had learnt that Africans were predominantly socialists, from which hell did this issue of individualism nicknamed as capitalism come from

aining millions of the citizens shared the remaining quarter? From his research, 80% of the richest Kenyans

hey are in the list of millionaires. Something was wrong somewhere which he had to rectify. And for the first time in his entire adulthood, feelings developed within hi

the changes, he had hopes that one day which was still indef

obably even had a hand in the political mischief. Still engrossed in his thoughts, he was interrupted by an announcement bringing the room to order for the Kenyan representative in Cuba had arrived. He rose

Kenyan. Obange Donmax made an appointment with the speaker after the speech. They discussed so many issues on how best they could initia

s meant that he had to be a public figure so as to become influential. He was out to do anything whatsoever it takes as long as his ideas were implemented. They parted ways having deeply discussed and understood each other at the same degree. He had a new resolut




future was blurred and he was almost losing hope. He actually lost hope only that it was r

e unplanned marriage situation which his mother had sought due to lack of alternative. His mother by

igh School, she was to join the University of Nairobi and that's where predicaments would follow her instead of reaping the fruits of edu

ways when one is on an empty stomach. An idea struck her mind. She decided to take a stroll at least it would make the time pass much faster before she

ll pay your back fare, am not conversant with the town." Without a second thought, she decided to offer her h

ual thing for a first timers' meeting. He proved generous and even invited her to dine with him at the hotel as a way of appreciating her help. If only she knew that that was t

nto the rear-view mirror. This man was one with a ti

his real identity to her whil

parliament for Bongomaj

ar student at the University of

hall have a fabulous evening as we dine." He remarked

tel's light as they settled on their reserved seats at the corner of the hotel. Seemingly Othos was a regular attendant of the hotel for he was quic

st thing she recalls was the door being banged behind them before they plunged themselves onto the bed of the lodging within the very hotel. That night marked the conception of Obange Donmax and rendered Silvia Florence a depressed woman for her entire life. She regained her consciousness the following morni

crumbled. On a stool in the same hotel, a note was strategically placed in a way that she

the "game makers," therefore your innocence saved you but I don't regret my deceitful actions and am not going to do it any soon. In case you conceive, go and abort. I've left a bunch of cash under that pillow y

rd thoughts flashed through her mind. She knew so well that abortion was the last thing she could think of; killing an innocent life was the greatest sin. She would rather kill her own self instead of killing the ba

r herbs as she made sense of them. She was however convinced that she was better off compared to the prodigal son for she herself ne

he scorning of villagers and the shame that will always accompany her for her entire life. One question however remained unans

f her mistake then probably she was going to continue with her education upon delivery but for abortion, she dismissed the idea. She was now

It was not usual for his daughter to pay them such a prompt visit without notifying them in advance. Her heart raced as she dragged her suitcase along with her signifying that she had not come

ried nonstop. Axiomatically, something was wrong but could she structure a sensible sentence and express herself? She spoke in tears but her vocals remained unloosened. The father excused the two women to d

men's zip. It might be the root cause of your downfall." He was brief and clear in his message. That statement had always made her agoraphobic upon its reflection. She mostly kept to herself lest friends dragged her to contradict her father's warning. But now here she was, expectan

lier guessed, her dad never took in the message in grace; she was summoned by her

It is however unfortunate that you defied the advice I gave of not admiring the object behind a man's zip. I've told you time immemorial that you may supersede me in the class knowle

a nut shell, am not expecting you here with that your soon to bulge stomach that you are pregnant. Please take your leave out of this compound and advice the father of your child to- be that he can stay with his dowry. I've done without them and still

She had to leave the compound with an immediate effect before the already worse situation turned to worst. She took her suitcase

iver Yala. This sister of hers was a widow aged thirty two and resolved never to marry again. Re

th could veil her shame, the depression, but she was going be laid to rest the natural way, she had to face life head-on. She opened the pages of her agony unto her sis

ited for a dinner after which Silvia Florence's cunningly left the room leaving a leopard and a sheep in the same den. As expected he never failed to salivate for her. He invited her to his house and to his disbelief, she never objected. That night they shared the same blanket and a week later, Silvia Florence deceitfully gave him t

that not only made the family penniless a week after he received his salary but also exposed him and his wife to the risk of HIV/AIDS and other STIs.

husband became libertine. He threw the little morality which had remained in him to the wind. He was now an official and well-known womanizer. He no more cared for his fami

ully, the wife contracted the disease as well but she followed the right channel of taking ARVs and survived for three more years after the husband. One thing which outraged Obange Donmax and swor

ho were never willing to rub off the debts thus the family was made responsible. They sold most the valuables they h

lar bridge could be narrowed and if possible be totally done away with, the world would be favorable for the entire human race. He sympathized with his mother as she struggled day in day out with her deteriorating

ed at the power of nature as the place offered him a peaceful mind and at least made him forget the hardships which always accompanied him wherever he went. Gently the river flowed indefinitely. Fish darted here and there and dragonflies

rom them. They learnt this and in reciprocation, they never bothered anyone. They got contented with their seclusion and negligence. It became too much for the young man Obange Donmax that he attempted s

he went together with the ailing mum to plant some hybrid seeds leaving the little brother still asleep. They had done some good work when his little brother woke up and started to wail form their grass-

wo pieces and rubbed them thoroughly against his red palms until they were hot red and swallowed them then went for the baby. He patiently waited for his death but nothing happened to him, not

toil. She suddenly gave out a sharp wail. Obange Donmax dashed into the house alarmed. His mother lay on the bed prostrate, shivering and with her

ing hospital bills. While hospitalized, she got fond of a nurse; Jane Whitney was her name, who frequently checked on her. They became good friends within three days and on the fourth day,





30th J


an M.P. Maybe through my journalism I would have exposed your injustices to the public but you cut short my dreams. In total

note encouraging me to abort. Be it known to you that I'm not a murderer as you confessed on the same note that you do

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