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Love With Benefits

Chapter 2 Most Priced Possession

Word Count: 1354    |    Released on: 21/01/2022



hrough the door. she has an offering plate on her hand which means she just got back fr

y this happened. I don't know what you've done this time. you always

called again but I si

ay back but it's okay I took care of it" I s

blood boil and I feel like sla

n you fo

alfway when I noticed my t

" Kuhu, the

ow please let me go change" I sa

earn to be matured. she's already twenty but still acts like a

t thing on my mind right now. and I want to get married to a family where I'll not only be a house wi

nd wear my slippers. I was about to walk out of my room when I glance over at my de

here. safely put awa

er stones. I smile as my hands caress it all over. The memori

me. we were sitting on the stairs d

oing? you said you w

o study abroad and come back when I'm of age to take over the business. I


I look for you I promise. we'll be friends forever" he as

ognize me. you'll be gone

t a bracelet from his pockets an

putting it on my hand "it's our family's crest. it's one of a kind. just

this stea

'm giving you mine. I know it's saf

im "it's not fancy or expensive but I want you to have it" I

as the las

e was still here with me but I would never see him if I wanted to cause firstly we've moved from Narela after our house

e'll ever want to s


uickly put the bracelet back i

are you screaming?" I

and when I tried to rest, it went under my Sari and I was so scared"

had a grin on their faces and I kne

se don't take me inside th

now" I yell at


say everytime. even the time when you put frogs inside

half' I say and walk away t

y eighteen but they k

em or any member of our family then you hav

ny more of their beha

d I guess the

hold their ears and apologi

so we can serve di

t I didn't spare th

se don't get

ith cockroaches. what were you both thinking. I know aunt isn't the

he spoke to you and that'

e out either" I say walking past

orry. please do

it more thought. I couldn't stay

erve dinner" I order

o the temple so you can dance for the


e?" pihu an

eep you out of mischi

wonder why you waste your time dancing in th

y. he does so much for us so what better way to repay him" I smile "And besides its not l

anyone can win an argument agai

Archisha. you always kno


. After the temple, I go in search of

e. Make everything happen

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