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Night Princess

Chapter 3 three

Word Count: 698    |    Released on: 23/01/2022

wake me up? " She hur

m the table before leaving. "Be careful!

called. She looked again. It

g too..." sh

t the

phones. Her bike was at school, so

ssed by. Claire reacted quickly a

t notice you.." Th

ashed away. She didn't look

steering wheel tightl

gh School, a

s up," Xia ca

oser to he

ed the roo

class," Sir E

, sir," every

on page 95," Sir

ted to re

he principal kno

new student," he cal

De Verra,

your seat... It pointed to t

when he saw

as bu

't even

thers who were s

ding, so she doesn't notice

a quiz, so you need to study. Sir

the book and q

sed her

otice who was poi

it was ju

I'm sl

Then I almost got run over by a car earlier... I'm probably the most unlucky deb

." Ian

th her eyes,

im." The girl stil

eal, babe."Ian squeez

l looke

her seat when she saw

here? The

ere." the man re

don't I know? "

ing to

with your books.

e new student,"

d while squeezing

asked sharply if they were

anding the girl th

the girl s

hungry, so she d

juice hold in both h

ld," the girl

" Ian

ened earlier

he road. Well, I'm fast, I avoided it

accidents," the y

ou too sleepy?

e lied. She dr

first kiss?

he chair closer

yesterday," the y

o!!!" Clair

, it's not a kiss

me as a kiss, "

is face close

ispered before lovingly

f the girl's neck to deepen t

and the bite didn't hurt.

s mouth and gently inserted his tongue into i

irl moaned at th

Ian wh

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