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Dahman And His Luna

Dahman And His Luna


Chapter 1 Pack House

Word Count: 1241    |    Released on: 23/01/2022

finally. Wake up and look

Rebekka looks out the window and smiles really big and pushes her way over Evander and up to Dee and gives her a big hug and they both start crying. Conall just rolls his eyes and hugs his brother and Sam.

"So glad you could come and join our pack Sam. I see you have training with Gene?"

so if he has a pack then w

"To keep his pack members in order and our secret just that a secret."


you haven't met them yet. Sam tomorrow we will show you where you will be going to school at and introduce you to some o

"Yes, sir I would like that as well as mom, she is awesome at fighting."

and could not believe his eyes as it had changed since the last time he was here. It was do

t couple days. Rebekka is now sharing a room with Evander but only said yes after he asked her what she

all. He runs to the woods turns into his Lycan and ripping off his clothes in mid air. Sam

"Sam what are you doing sitting out here? Dinner is about ready come have a seat."

"I just saw Dahman turn into his Lycan and damn he's gorgeous."

"Umm..what are you having thoughts about Dahman?"

"No, oh god no, mom really?"

by the way you're at aww seei

Dahman come o

"Changed as he hit the woods, why what's wrong?"

is serving dinne

her Aunt's famous lasagna and salad once again. Dee just looked at her an

d that there are bears, lions, tigers, and such as shifters in their pack as they do not hold to

y all come here at times to swim when they don't feel like going to the beach, families with small kids come here since it isn't as sca

ld not confront her. He needed to talk to his brother about it but did not know how to approach him about it.

se they were not close to her and he needed her. They were always close to her they loved how she smelled, cooked, took care of the pack. Bu

She was going to need him now but more later to lean on them both. He does not even know where he would mark her because she is marked already by her mate. Goddess he is so confused and needed to talk to somebody soon before he went insane.

tting ready to ea

"On my way back, sorry just needed to get away from everything for a bit."

you are on your way. We nee

Dahman did not respond back but changed back to his Lycan-Gaylord. Gaylord pushed him to run faster than before letting the wind rush through his fur and rustling the leaves under his ginormous paws. As they approached the house Dahman came back front and put on some basket ball shorts and a shirt walking into the house.

He washed up and sat down with the rest of the members but Alf told him to sit next to his mate. Dahman was reluctant but went ahead and did so to appease Gaylord. 

"So happy to sit next to her, I want to touch her."

ght now...calm your

mean common man you have to take care o

"Shut up...."

and continued eating hoping

like that I hope we didn't scare yo

ool, Evander will mom a

Evander coughs on his food and Dahman laughs at Sams question but is glad he is curious and wants to change.

wants to do, we have to talk in depth more about it. Dee had to b


"A creeper sliced through me and I lost a lot blood and passed out."

aved you but I want to s

"How about tomorrow since you all just got here and need to rest up ok?"

l help with

, that's ki

s said about schooling or anything else. It was just nice for

ou're done come

what do you want

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