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Kurt Collin: Sniper

Chapter 5 five

Word Count: 985    |    Released on: 24/01/2022

dy who was also there. Kurt Collin is unknown in the world of the wealthy because he avoids social events. He's constantly on a mi

ed onto the patio, his glass of wine in hand. He stood there and observed. Some of those in attendance he knew via

most elusive of all bachelors. Juliet's opening

and kissed him on

ges me to come," h

when he spotted a lady he didn't expect to see in such a loca

arewell. I proceeded to move in the direction of the lady, But before he could

peaking. He accepted the drink from the server onc

as she became aware th

re to be seen in the hall. Samantha also enquired wit

of the father's partner's children, approach

my father,

accompany his father when he visited Samantha's home when they

otioning to the waiter to fetch a drink. He removed Sa

ts the champagne he offers her. They went

. Their narrative ran on since they

to approach the lady when he saw that the per

heard his

t and turned to

ather after first l

ssage for you." His father drov

of his father's solemn dem

you and her daughter's wedding." Kurt's father's stra

nkrupt?" he inquired solemnly of his father. He is aware that the firm is doing

You don't have a boyfriend, and the wedding i

u to a buddy of mine and his little

when his phone rang. He insta

re's an emergency here, and you

" Kurt's serious response

situation at the base." He told his fa

stomed to such circumstances. But Kurt's worry for the boy

rolling in the genera

n emergency assignment and had to

chances for us to meet your kid in

his acquaintance

hter, he grinned heartily. He

vehicle. "Give me the s

e driving. Using the earpiece, he listens to what is being said on

ignment wa

om firing rockets str

the marines'

pter was ready to carry them to the is

nformation he needed for the task w

rget is New York, where they all reside. Kurt de

ad to swim to the island without

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