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Love within reason

Chapter 8 Part 7

Word Count: 2949    |    Released on: 25/01/2022



the bond which marks the beginning of the rest of the life. And so on....Aarti had heard so

ent and she loved Viraj but still the unsure journe

th her friends and relatives. Her grandpa had cried, looking at her brida

ll cry all the more if he sees her tears. So she kep

moment with her. It wasn't like she missed them, her mother had died giving birth to he

xt to him. He gave an encouraging smile and s

r rituals and were

ish one, on the famous burj al Arab h

and by the time they were do

e her and she nodded, feeling grateful but

e left off with her husb

they drove towards their new villa. She smi

your grandpa..but don't worry..I'll keep you very ha

. "Where are your parents?isn't there no grihapravesh?" Even though she didn't know

ated". She didn't ask more as she felt he hadn't spoken much. T

Viraj shook his head "that'll be all..you all ca

must be tired". This was the closest proximity between

the door "you have to stop blushing you know..ge

trand of her hair back "you look gorgeous..so beautiful" an

uch but kissed him back and

nd I need to get out of this heavy jewellery

gle..I can help you" he removed her necklace

thank you..now I can breathe a little". His eyes gleamed in mischie

. Surprised, she stared "relax Vir... you're going a little faster".

he hastily fiddled with her blouse buttons "plea

ever we want". She blinked, as the words weighed heavily on her "I know but don't

not making any sense..this is our wedding night..we'r

had read a lot and even heard beautiful romantic things about it but she

art" he kissed her forehead "it's going to be

you Viraj" she whispered as he stroked her hair and lay her back to

ipped down in front of her. "Relax Aarti.." he presse

numb "please stop it!"she yelled but he wouldn't listen "ple

ast thought as she f

ong?" She sat on the tub, her body bruised and tattered.

drained to even get up...she had

as it going to be like? She had absolutely no clue. No romance movies or the umpteen n

nderstand you're a little confused.. it happe

raped? She was tormented and haunted at the thought...how could i

anket around her. The wedding dress was torn

'm so sorry..you should have told me". She raised her head "I tried Vir.

to control myself"he laid her to bed "it's your first time..I promise you it'll get

just a be

the pictures of her daughter. Tears welled

ntered towards the room, already half knowing who it

ne. She knew that tone very much; he needed something. "Sure

dn't mind at all, because she knew he was going throu

hing?"he smiled. She quirked an eyebrow; he was annoyingly sw

s" he bowed with glee "this time I need your favour". She c

away. She stared in bewilderment as he continued warily "well...in our office, I kind of slipped out th

er voice echoing a little "how could

I know you wanted to be discreet b

e struggled to meet her eye "I warned you before..how

quiet but glaring at him, he gave a long sigh "I did it to keep my job" he said quietly, "p

o use this to her advantage "alright...I need so

thing was really fishy here "I want you to be there

'm in". She gave a sideways grin "I might ask you to do a murder or

hen was the last time she had laughed like that?s

ven..at the Chinatown high bar". He

t actually.. there's

she mused. He shrugged "yeah..I'm like a big deal around th

irked "I'm doing this for me..don't be so high o

had promised and she wa

ing at her. She blinked "I'm ready.. are

ed to wear a grand dress..and you're still in your denim

come here to celebrate you see" she said coolly. H

d inside her room when he called out "oh come on

d his fists "of course they will, now come

as she waited for his reaction. He took a deep breath "ple

.I need to go to the salon afterwa

have a dress". She almost closed the door "I already bought one in the morning"she turned back

her laughter

your bike?" He took out the car keys, much to her surprise "I thought it wou

r her and she sat inside "man! You're such a gentleman!" He didn't miss

ld have if there wa

looked comparatively better than his usual look, probably because he had ditched his oversized jacket, she thoug

e and looked at her "remember...we're madly in love wi

. "Yeah..why?"she asked, curious. He shook his head "you'v

she said firmly. His frown was back "the hell!"he swo

you so stubborn?" She gritted her

ne..but no accent please..just speak like a normal desi girl". She

r" Prithvi whispered and

beamed at them "you've made us wait for lon

at the sight. There were many people at the large hall, each pair of eyes on her.

to be in fifties probably. "Aarti..this is my boss Tapan Sen.."

y the party" he walked away towards the other end. "Your boss is weird"

nds shaking her and few girls hugging and congratul

ghed. She cast a quick glance at Prithvi who was busy chatting with a man she di

. More laughter followed and Aarti felt like disa

ice "I'm Teena..I'm in the same team with Prithvi.." she introduced and they chat

eena said, observing him at a distan

l you about Maitri?" Aarti felt taken aback, who was this girl? "Er yeah..he did

since so many years...even engaged too..but I don't know what happe

ho knew this khadoos had a girlfriend? But why did th

na shrugged "I thought you guys must have been very close" she looked around and whisp

rer "when Prithvi was fifteen..he was in juvie f

eve. Teena nodded "he's kind of a tough guy..like when he had initially joined here, he beat up

didn't Seema mention any of this?

lieve.." she whispere

d in me" Teena said "but I hope he's changed per

y. Was Prithvi a violent person? She could feel her insides getting c

was back.

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