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Destined For Greatness

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1152    |    Released on: 28/01/2022


she screamed that day was because she's possessed?? I didn't know what to think an

heard my brother ask

of her friend said but my b

Miranda was. I am pretty sure they don't know her


nd so tight and she was sweating so much that her temperature was hotter th

". Is that


s her Chelsea. I got confused at fi

e fixed on me too. I knew I was going to be questioned today and there will be

r, so close that their bodies would be touching. I knew I wasn't supposed to feel anything but there's this string of jealousy I was having. I

pain. The prayers my brother was praying was having a great effect on her and I didn't like how it was going. He would hurt he

as everyone focused on her. T

sweating. She was moving so far away from my brother every time he tri

up and ran after her. Her f

's p

before. It was all new to me. But did God bri

also see the tears in her eyes. They were tears of bondage. I moved closer to he

nsibility. I had other people to help too. But I saw my b

ation when we get home and he

ivered people and I could say, truly people r

e program, many people came to show their gr

eeted as she

'm the same person you dated few years

you prove t

? I chose to ignore her but she

d?" she whispe

s playing but I have more important

s. "If you don't stay away from me Trina, I might soon start t

a lot of rest before waiti

amazing. Where did you get those superpo

's super powers like in movies??" I as

ing charms??" my dad said

ef before sitting up, makin

ng God. He's the only one capable of giving m

would happen. I just don't know how to get to make them beli

a liar if I say I didn't admire her body but she's going through so much and I just want to help her. H

shutting the door behind him. I got up and fol

her home safely". Mike said

own scratching his head knowing fully well I'm not just going to l

ause you did her a favor. Let me freshen up a little if you don't mind....then get something to eat and later, we'll di

s out with my brother first.

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