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The Billionaires' Love Club

Chapter 5 : Which Guy

Word Count: 1498    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

come over to her friend Laura's loft to check on her and see how she was doing after her breakup. "It seems

with him I was just getting started after not having been

my vote. He might have started with treating you to ten cent wings and beer on Lady's Night, but his pockets may be prett

h, b

ll support you for once, both financially and emotionally. Promise me you'll let

..well, I just wanted t

the man treat. Enough preaching. I'm your friend

after we both overcame our initial shyness,

ist, too?" Ca

, w

a couple of hours in the morning to cha

g him what he did for a living. He di

r," Caitlin reto

Alex does not

"but I'll let you ma

good listener without any agenda other than wanting to get to k


kissed m

o then. When's the wed

back the whole thing j

capital letter "R". Did


put him in the 'le

right?" Laura ch


me to a different girl each night and even admitted to doin

Bachelor nu

f. His name is Ricky and he's a

eing a lawyer. Go on

s kinda my


form at some event he is organizing

if he was just being nice and cordial or if he's intereste


losing the gig and having him break your heart or do you remain strict

again K

ay to make you think that he want

e hugged


s muscular


oogle his law firm t



ou might like him as a man but he seems l

bout th



ed, Lor. C


our blessings. You met three incredible men

t 'which one' but 'all three' are viable contenders: rich or poor, extrovert or introvert,


line to order was not as crowded as it was at 6 a.m. the previous morning. Nevertheless, it was hard to get a table. The cafe was filled with people

ldly walked over to his table. There was an emp

t to presume that this intellectual man would remember her,

pleasant surprise. Have a seat

s space than she was used to. He stood up and then pulled her chair back. Once she

t changed. Her expression must have betrayed her confusion at the questi

ions that was more like a speedy inquisition than the natural course of two adults getting to know each other. "No," she whispered under her breath, as if she was trying to silence the internal competi

Alex sai

er gears going. One, ten, a hundred questions swarmed around in her head. However, she only managed one re

ion. His eyes were dancing with delight, making the choco

details as soon as I

Can I bring some fr

ten and arranged for stringed instruments. If this performance goes well, it

n be

she stood up, he stood up. He kissed her on each cheek to say goodbye. She was no closer to unlocking all of the key

ntleman. He liked coffee. Most of all she now had a bona fide reason to see

, partially trying to convince herself that the po

wn post-Luke and possibly-now-Alex pace in any future interactions with him. Their first meeting became a second and two was more than z

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