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Blood to Spare

Chapter 6 : First Impressions

Word Count: 951    |    Released on: 29/01/2022


invite her to come see him, he obliged. Normally, goodbye was goodbye for anyone he turned into a vampire. For all their families

ht of. Byron always remembered his little sister as that sweet, rosy cheeked teenager with more hair t

his most loyal knight, they would see how she was. What the time span after B

ldn’t say anything in that moment. This Vanessa, or as Byron called her Little V, was not that scrawny, rosy cheeked teenager. The Vanessa he had the pleasure of sneaking a glimpse of was all woman and indeed damaged.

eyes met as Byron's car drove past. It was tho time slowed down. The slight glance was en

sit and dine at. The DJ station was replaced with a live band in tuxedos playing classical music. The dance floor obviously converted ballroom dancing

, but his eyes remained on Vanessa. In a sparkling island blue, off shoulder evening gown. From the distance, he could see how the dress made her e

ensation that she could cons

he heard her heart’s response to looking at him. She knew what he was, but the best friend did not. He wanted

e your sister and h

to know very well in the measly three years of knowing him, it was that everything was about Malik. What they can all do for him. He was the hero and he let everyone know that. He didn’t have the ability to rea

nd and looked into those gorgeous blue/green eyes. Those eyes were, dare he say, penetratingly beautiful. They made him want to offer his soul just by gazing into them. He t

her voice sound smooth? Seductive? Did she do that on purpose? Why couldn’t

ave to feed on the

it, let me rephrase that. H

y feeding. A way to kee

ister and her friend, who knows nothing about us

a sinister smile, “They will try

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