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A gay bought me

Chapter 2 A gay bought me.... Chapter 2

Word Count: 1777    |    Released on: 27/01/2022

e looking so devastated, I just sat down alone in the car, I can’t drive the car like this Who the hell is that girl?? Whoever she is, I must make sure she pay dearly fo

out a sigh Eric dream is to become a singer, he do compose a lot of songs and his voice is really beautiful “My first song will be dedicated to my first love ” he said and I just rolled my eyes “Ptchh.. So your first song will be dedicated to your first love?? That’s unfair.. What about me your best friend?? I asked avoiding his face “Fool.. you don’t understand and you fail to even understand ” he muttered and I looked at him “What is it I don’t understand?? I yelled ” every time you will be telling me about your first love, you’ve never even mention her name, you always call her lots of beautiful names but you always end up calling me a fool and saying I don’t understand ” I said and hissed but he just kept smiling “If only you know who she is then you won’t be yelling at me ” he said as he tuck his hand in his pocket “I don’t want to know who she is ” I yelled and start walking faster To be sincere, I was really jealous.. I have been his best friend since I was six and I hardly see him talking to any girl but the day he start talking about his first love, i was really angry He always praise his first love but always insult me and now he is going to be dedicating his first song to her. I looked back at him and shot him a glare “To hell with your first love ” I yelled 🌷Author’s POV🌷 “So because you smashed her phone, she did that?? Min ho asked as he was driving and CJ nodded “Gawd!! The girl is really really crazy.. I don’t even want to talk about her ” CJ replied “Well,.. It’s so good to see you.. Look at you, you look thinner than a rake handle, don’t they feed you in seoul?? Min hosaid jokingly making CJ to chuckle “I came here to get fattened up” CJ replied “Well, if that’s the case, this is the right place for you ” Min ho said and they both started laughing “I know of a local restaurant, trust me.. The woman’s food is one of the best in gwanju ” “No no.. You know I don’t eat food like that and besides someone might know me and you should know I also have a lots of fans here ” CJ said “This place is a secret restaurant, she hardly have customers, trust me you’re gonna like it ” Min honsaid No matter how hard CJ convinced him not to take him there, he only pay deaf ear and angled him a grin as he made a right hand turn. After some minutes drive, they got to the restaurant, CJ emerged from the car and they both entered Inside the restaurant, plastic wreaths decorated fake brick walls, plastic poinsettias in plastic bud vases, Min ho directed CJ to seat and he slid in the opposite side and unsnapped his jacket all in one motion. A buxom woman with coal black hair came over and thumbed down two thick white saucerless m

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