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Dear Brother: A forbidden love story

Chapter 2 002

Word Count: 854    |    Released on: 28/01/2022

her 'kiddo' as he did. But she also knew that hearing voices in her he

he girl, especially after just coming round from her ordeal. He'd have preferred her to rest a while before ge

that tone so many times before, but this was the hardest so far. The kid was

't anything we could do," he sai

perhaps, if they saved me, they saved them too, she thought. Perhaps this was all just a horrific nightmare and she'd soon wake up in the back seat, her head resting on her brother's shoulder, as dad drove to th

mind? I just need to check your ok and that yo

Jansen dabbed her cheeks with the back of her hand. Lena watched her walk to the end of the be

ou tell me your name and date of

e Harris...May 23rd, 19

ly understand his enthusiasm at the time, but she later realized now how un

'd noticed it hurt most when she tried to move her head or left leg and tr

ow to the head. You'll feel pretty sore for a while, I'm afraid, but you'll be ok. We'll look after you." He said. He paused, as though unsure of whet

omeone saves someone else's life, and then there they are, smiling up at you from the front page of the morning news with the great stor

in. After some moments, where she felt the doctor and Nurse Jansen exchange knowing looks, they both stood up and left the

t into tears, causing herself intense head pains, but she didn't care. She could barely feel it when compa

head, but Lena couldn't turn towards him. "Don't cry kiddo...I'm coming to see

wanted to sleep now. In the darkroom, Lena whispered; "I love you, Matt." And then fell as

too kiddo."

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