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Vetur: Cyan

Chapter 3 Tantrum

Word Count: 1540    |    Released on: 31/01/2022

ne and if I were to think logically, I would see their reasoning behind choosing Kormen. He was the strongest amongst our warriors. The fiercest. Unparalleled in his resilience. If anyone

feelings toward him were and would always be nothing more than platonic. In spite of his strength, I would kill him. They had to

pure stone. In that moment I knew that he'd been told I was okay with this. She'd led him to believe that I would actually go through with this

be ok. I'm prepared for this.

ng me princess and two, he knew this would happen. He knew and he let me be blindsided

pre...you were.

sperately to calm myself, inhaling and exhaling deeply, but I could feel the chill settling in. A few gasps were heard in the crowd and I knew that if I could see them, my irises and pupils would be turning pale blue, almost ghostly white. I

s he took a step closer to me, his breath pu

verted back to my name wasn't los

ll cease this tantrum at

as I clenched my fist. From my feet a wave of ice shot out, blanketing the floor. It disappeared beneath the feet of my clan and froze some of them in place. Shocked and somewhat horrified whispers of The Vetur flowed through the panicking crowd. The men scrambled to help the women escape, bodily lifting some of them and running for the door. Some stayed to help their brethr

, you have to stop. This isn't you, p

he friend I knew and loved. And my Vetur? It wanted nothing more than to face the challenge of taking out the warriors before me. Their numbers created a worthy oppone

k you can stand again

d to take them out. And I would. I would destroy them all with no remorse if they attacked me. Vetur was in control and she swept through me, icicles forming sharp knives in my grips. The

happening to her? Wh

to seek him out. That warmth felt extremely nice. Torn between exterminating the threat of the warriors before me and exploring the voice that I

, do not make me tell you again. You will stop and you will do it

ond thought, her shitty motherly instincts probably still made her proud. My father sucked in a deep breath, having never seen me like

done or had ordered to be done to me at some point in my life. "Kill Kormen? No, that's what got you into this mess. So, what? Kill me?" I raised a brow in question, but didn't give her time to respond. "By all means, my Queen, ple

rushing toward her. She threw her hands up in retaliation, palms facing outward, erecting a wall of her

s of our clan. I would force her to protect herself though. I would force her to face what she had created. Being cold and icy was a pillar of our culture, but she took it to the extreme. While my brother Dallon had been coddled, supported, and encouraged, I'd been pushed and prodded, forced to stretch my limits more and more each time I thought I'd reached my breaking point. I'

guards will not

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