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The Mayor's Wife

The Mayor's Wife


Chapter 1 A SPY’S DUTY

Word Count: 2079    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ith that air of importance she invariably assumes when she has an unus

n, needed it badly

d calculating gaze which lets nothing escape. She has passed me by-my he

Then, "I have a w

nted girls sink back into their seats as

e faced me wit

itting-room. If you come to terms with him, well and good. If not, I shall expect you to

Part of my strength-and I think I have some strength-lies in the fact that I

o me," she

even more calm than before, I stopped her as

ne you would advise me to take, even if

iscreet person. It is a first-class opportunity

windows turned quickly at the sound of my step and came forward. Instantly whatever doubt I may have felt concerning the nature of the work about to be proposed to me yield

not to interfere with the impression made by his strong nature and intense vitality. A man to sway women and also quite capable of mo

orably as he did me? I soon had reason to think so, for the nervous trembling of his hands ceased after the first

ill the one I have to offer? It has its difficulties, but it

smile sometimes when a ray of rea

lad to try such a s

ving how intense was the power and fascination underlying his quiet exterior, I asked myself who and what this man

e experience,"

ange back to his former gloomy aspect, and a car

e which is so much n


ly, "the circumstances are not. My wife is well, but-she is not happy.

of these words, he paused a

id! It would make

elf, was undeniable; but my old habit of self-control stood me in good

er self, pallid, drawn, almost speechless, yet she is not ill. She will not acknowledge to an ache or a pain; will not even admit that

ed silent, wai

consulted her most intimate friends, all who know her well, but they can give me no clue to her distress. They see the difference in her, but can not tell the cause. And I am obliged to go away and leave her in this state. For two weeks, three weeks n

old me your name," I m

mself together, and

enry Pa

idate for governor. I knew him well by name, even if

y because his character appealed to men of all grades and varying convictions. But the opposite party was strong in the state, and the question whether he could carry his ticket against such odds, and thus give hope to his party in the coming presidential election, was one yet to be tested. Forceful as a speaker, he was expected to reap hundreds of votes from the mixed elements that invariably thronged to hear him, and, ignorant as I necessarily was of the exigencies of such a

an instant. Meanwhile he

ay night I speak in C--, Thursday, in R--, while she

rs," I

er alone in the house. Some one m

?" I suggested in

latives, and mine are

r question. I under

she has already consented. That she will regard as a kindness, if the lady chosen should prove to be one of those rare beings who carry comfort in their looks without obtruding their services or disp

out of which I came triumphant; the satisf

little child. You will have no charge of her save as

the last phrase gav

me to re


ing so I lear

y telling it to one who would give t

feel that my next step

e honest-you wish me to le

u can be trus

to reveal

duty permits,-whic

f his look forbade. Whatever humiliation his wishes put upon me, there c

d one mor

myself at liberty to

this secret which is destroying our happiness. Her affection for me is undoubted, but something-God knows what-has laid waste her life. To find and annihilate that something is my first

entered it. Perhaps he had calculated upon this. If so, it was because h

and other equally necessary details, then dropping all these cons

shall have a few questions to ask you before I settle down to my d

all the rest, and the nex

I heard him remar

. I shall reserve some minutes between half-past fiv

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