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The Billionaire's Wolf Shifter Assistant

Chapter 2 : Mistaken Identity

Word Count: 1238    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

rested in Kurt, so at least she was presentable. Was that important? She knew so little about the human worl

hough she didn’t have any human skills as far as she knew.

is was that same sound only concentrated. Taking a moment, she tried to brush off her discomfort, but it was sti

t tan, blond hair, and the bluest eyes she’d ever seen. It was a rare wolf that had

ed down at a pile of papers on the

, not sure why sh

any danger from the situation, so she took a few steps clo

se, but then again, it’s been that kind of m

m her run out of t

hing. They have

nt to the counter to order. Despite her stomach being empty she only pointed to one thing and took it back to the table on a

cross fro

commended. That doesn’t mean we won’t talk a little fir

tag with her friends as a child. “Shifting o

o be adaptable. My w

ave to do with his work, but she decided to go along with

explain what I d

to tell him that she hadn’t been sent to him then she realized that she had nowhere to sleep tonight and this man had provided h

ll me a

w them then sell the companies for a profit. At any one time, I’m somewhere in that process with about twenty companies. I’ll need an a

is assistant. How har

his before, but not with someone who is as busy

e to live? This would be better tha

that she’d never d

weekends. There will be some travel because I prefer to get the feel for a c

he ate her donut slowly, savoring it and trying not to

a problem wit

the food in he

e any quest

ink of any at f

ten on the paper so she just nodded. She’d figure it all out if she had to. These were desperate times since

t before now? Maybe it was because there were so many food smells

had taught her that she would only be attracted physically to her mate. Since Chase was a huma

?” Chas

acted by his scent. “I’m

is okay for you?

She wrote a slightly higher number on the paper then slid it back to him. At least she’d been

as between hers and his and th

she were doing calc


good?” h

an work w

anything else be

oing? “Uh, mayb

eat much besides meat, so this delicious food was new to her. She finished up her don

hing she could shift into wolf form and defend

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1 Chapter 1 : She Sees a Murder2 Chapter 2 : Mistaken Identity3 Chapter 3 : The Penthouse4 Chapter 4 : First Day on the Job5 Chapter 5 : No Food6 Chapter 6 : Home Again7 Chapter 7 : Confrontation With Kurt8 Chapter 8 : Chase's Revelations9 Chapter 9 : Chase Probes Her10 Chapter 10 : Chase Will Keep Her Safe11 Chapter 11 : Her Wolf Comes Out12 Chapter 12 : Chase is Grumpy13 Chapter 13 : Taking a Trip14 Chapter 14 : Her First Plane Ride15 Chapter 15 : Chase Takes Helina Shopping16 Chapter 16 : Her First Big Mistake17 Chapter 17 : Helina Lets Out Her Wolf18 Chapter 18 : The Lie Builds19 Chapter 19 : Helina Is Almost Revealed20 Chapter 20 : Chase Reveals His Intentions21 Chapter 21 : Helina Has a Visitor22 Chapter 22 : Helina's Brother23 Chapter 23 : Helina Approaches Chase24 Chapter 24 : Chase Changes His Mind25 Chapter 25 : Helina Defines Her Boundaries26 Chapter 26 : Another Shopping Trip27 Chapter 27 : The Gala28 Chapter 28 : Helina Lets Her Wolf Out29 Chapter 29 : Chase Explains30 Chapter 30 : Helina Needs To Think31 Chapter 31 : The Police Arrive32 Chapter 32 : Helina Confronts Chase33 Chapter 33 : Helina's Mistake34 Chapter 34 : Where's Helina 35 Chapter 35 : Harlan Is Ready36 Chapter 36 : Chase Explains His Reaction37 Chapter 37 : The Morning After38 Chapter 38 : The Big Reveal39 Chapter 39 : Kidnapping40 Chapter 40 : Helina To The Rescue41 Chapter 41 : The Rescue42 Chapter 42 : A Surprise For Them All43 Chapter 43 : The Gray Wolf44 Chapter 44 : Helina Returns to Her Pack45 Chapter 45 : Where's Kurt 46 Chapter 46 : Helina's Plan47 Chapter 47 : Plan In Motion48 Chapter 48 : Chase Shows His Alpha Side49 Chapter 49 : Helina Returns to Her Pack50 Chapter 50 : They Run In The Woods