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Professor Thelete and the Atlantis Code

Chapter 6 : The Proposal

Word Count: 1090    |    Released on: 16/02/2022

hen it became clear that it wasn't Professor Thelete; he got glances from Dr. Schro

manity looked at their past. After about dozen proposals were given for the night, it was finall

pect again to be allowed to make a proposal again. He was naturally a little nervous, but he ha

Thelete." The Professor made his way onto the stage and set up his presentation. No one truly

tlantis. The real Atlantis. The location discussed below is likely a place you've ne

aggeration, for purposes of matching those characteristics with a very specific place that exists today. I compare Plato's points about Atlanti

ns ahead of Plato). Whatever Solon wrote was kept in the family and ultimately came to Plato's attention. Apparently, Plato's source from Solon wa

hieroglyphics for Solon in the temple. That temple in the Nile Delta was well known at the time but since has ceased to exist.

was not some kind of hocus-pocus kind of deal, it was based on a verifiable source. The temple inscri

u (inscribed after Plato during the Ptolemaic period between 237 and 57 B.C.) appears to corroborate Solon and Plato without actually using the word "Atla

siting the Temple of Neith in the city of Sais, the same place that Plato visited. However, Herodotus visited the temple in 450 B.C., fif

about ten initial Atlantean emperors which matches independent Egyptian history about the ten Auritean rulers, called Aleteans by the Phoenicians). Howeve

er, other sources corroborate what Plato says. I bring this up as another layer of proof that Atlantis was an actual location n

Why exactly everyone wants to find Atlantis is a bit unclear at times, but Atlantis has gained a legendary mystique. Fantastic tales of death rays and advanced

he scientific community. That is what happened when Heinrich Schliemann - a rich German dilettante determined to find ancient Troy - actually discovered it (to

very single candidate ultimately collapses for one reason or another. For instance, several islands within the Mediterranean ha

as beyond what we now know as Gibraltar. The Greeks knew all about the Mediterranean islands and Plato would have just pointed to o

ly all of Plato's requirements. It is in the right location, it is the righ

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1 Chapter 1 : Business Not as Usual2 Chapter 2 : Not My Student!3 Chapter 3 : Paranoid4 Chapter 4 : The Note5 Chapter 5 : Familiar Faces6 Chapter 6 : The Proposal7 Chapter 7 : The Proposal Part 2: The Eye of Africa8 Chapter 8 : Madman or a Genius The Panel's Verdict9 Chapter 9 : The Banquet10 Chapter 10 : The Break in11 Chapter 11 : The Professor's Mentor12 Chapter 12 : The Dragon Coin13 Chapter 13 : The Team14 Chapter 14 : The Assistant15 Chapter 15 : The Imposter16 Chapter 16 : The Initiation17 Chapter 17 : The Esoteric Nature of Chess18 Chapter 18 : Breaking it Down19 Chapter 19 : Message Received20 Chapter 20 : Mauritania21 Chapter 21 : What to do 22 Chapter 22 : Open Fire23 Chapter 23 : Sandstorm!24 Chapter 24 : Unexpected Guests25 Chapter 25 : Respect26 Chapter 26 : Answers27 Chapter 27 : Report28 Chapter 28 : The Excavation Begins29 Chapter 29 : Sabotage30 Chapter 30 : The Deviation31 Chapter 31 : Off Script32 Chapter 32 : Unauthorized Communication33 Chapter 33 : The Hidden Protocol34 Chapter 34 : A Secret War35 Chapter 35 : Uncertainty36 Chapter 36 : Trust37 Chapter 37 : Camp Gossip38 Chapter 38 : Shintoism39 Chapter 39 : Imposters Among Us40 Chapter 40 : The Calvary Arrives41 Chapter 41 : The Long Awaited Kiss42 Chapter 42 : Watazumi43 Chapter 43 : Ryujin!44 Chapter 44 : The Meeting45 Chapter 45 : The Phone Call46 Chapter 46 : The Discovery47 Chapter 47 : Mysteries Abound48 Chapter 48 : Lost49 Chapter 49 : Emerald Tablets50 Chapter 50 : A Way Out51 Chapter 51 : Betrayal52 Chapter 52 : Hidden Within