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Whisper of the stone heart

Chapter 5 Back to being a slave

Word Count: 1610    |    Released on: 16/02/2022


orn and the servants who saved me gave me new ones. The cotton shir

ng around me. I was back to being a slave again. The most surprising thing that happened to me was the recovery I faced; all my burnt skin healed and I felt good again. I thought ab

the day of the hunt that the effects dissipated making them live the horror that was denied to them for days, and the most annoying thing was to pretend to be like them. Th

dopamine high. I wasn't over the fact that the life I knew was turned upside down in the lapse of a few days. The adventure I sought so badly was forced in my life in

tence. Remembering how I got caught again, I stuttered a curse under my breath. Why in the hell did those servants sell me again? I could have been free; they acted all kind and caring until some men grabbed me by force pulling me to the slave house. I was wise enough to wait unt

. I could have food and a ceiling to sleep under and not worry about the

g any profit. I sighed and averted my eyes on the familiar man I came to despise. He gauged the worth of everyone in the cell then grouped them in two. Apparently, he wanted to g

first cell; she woul

all kinds of tutors to teach us how to seduce a man and how to be good in bed. Even children didn't escape the cruelty. This was the world sister Dina warned me about. I took a

was hardly given since it would degrade the quality of their products. I was beaten

e there was only one with less danger, I had to get in with them. I blushed seeing them kissing but I was welcomed like one of them. They

as he started touching me, as the mad man. Were they siblings? I had a heavy metal ball chained to me as I failed to escape once and a collar to s

ld are

me. She died raped in front of me; I couldn't do anything. The guards in the room scuffed earning a dark gaze from the slave

ll the products I hunted until now. I wonder how you taste under those pants

aves, I learnt the worse thing for a woman was to be part of a harem, especially a sex slave. My eyes wande

xperienced from pulling me that way. I stood up like a cat who stepped on his tail. But the guard touche

up woman. We are kind t

this way. They could be looking from anywhere. Better safe than sorry. The walls had many animal heads hung like a trophy. I felt like they stared at me and

documents in his office to get to anything I could negotiate with. In the end, I let my body fall on the gree

instinctively raised my fists in front of my chest. However, I felt frozen. I had the urge to run away. "You are indeed the best thing for the auction," he walked at ease, his stomach all in front of him like a preg

his face shifted to annoyance, he pulled a device I never saw then pushed a button. An electric shock made me fall to my knees in pain. I had such a close relationship with t

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