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A Night With Mr Lim

Chapter 7 He

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 19/02/2022

. Just at that moment, something makes a flashlight signal interrupting the girls discussion about old tim

r. X c

rl or he didn't need her again? Was he calling to tell her that. Was he disappointed with her looks. These things battle her mind as her eyes glanced at the vibrating phone on the table. What is she going to do if he refused to accept the girl. He was the only and truly paid costumer she had. It's would be difficult to get a better well paid Billionaire now.

ng sounding right in her. Rosary, who sat on the other side of the dining chair, lift her face towards the direction of her friend as she didn't heard her laughing again. What must have happened. She thought as

and before the call ends and place it closer to her ea

said with a t

e to her" the

r. Besides, the girl isn't running but she still doesn't understand what he wants to talked about. She quickly obeyed him and pass the phone to Rosary

n to her before Lilah passed the phone to he

ords coming out of her mouth. Immediately, Rosary

e before she placed the phone clo

an on the line to chuckled to the way her voice squeaks

speaker to hear what the man was saying. She didn't have time to do that. Her mind was cupped up with fear why Mr. X who never bother to call before, calling her for the first time and demands to speak to the girl. He had never demand to speak to any of the girls she had off

she said sweetl

ry" he repeated tryin

onfusedly, didn't

id after some

you tomorrow. Hop

ealized the man wasn't in f

she assur

Rose" he said a

ded as she still place it closer to h

ish their call and asked her friend what the man discuss

r ears.. suddenly, Lilah took it from her to see if M

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