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The Female Alpha's Peak

Chapter 3 Tracy

Word Count: 1582    |    Released on: 20/02/2022


jacket, a red top beneath ripped jeans, and boots. Her hair was wavy and stopped at her mid back, styled fashionably. She was a badass. When she turned to face me, I could see a mark on the left side of her neck. Two ma

. " She said, coming closer to the bed

e and suck my blood. " Opening my eyes wide open, th

e watery. "You are not in a vampire cave or any cave. Does this lo

what happened to you last night? Did you see anything ?" Ba

ed then I said, "Last night, I could recall going home through the woods

g so desperate a

hat's the emerald green eyes laced with orang

ith irritation, inclin

neck to hem with white pockets at each side, her hair st

d was. The maid was whispering to Tacy, I could not hear anything but could see Tacy nodding

presence is requested by my boss do

stomach grumbled loudly in

my answer. " Sh

blush. Nodding my head as a second answer, I hel

ight . Dress in either red or black." She pointed at the do

d Tacy "Ok , black or red. But why black

oesn't like waiting." she motione

clearly seen on my arms. I stood up, looking at myself, it was then I realized I was not in my

u are done and ready, Okay?" Tacy told

. See you then."

e and smiled, and asked, "Wait,

I answered "Yes, I can. Is

th sides and said "It's a tatto

is so romantic

, be strong." Then she left the room. Shutting the door. I heard her d

the room. "Did she just speak to me without mov

isplayed on the counter, I was confused on which to use and they all looked expensive. Different sizes and brands of towels were hung close to the windo

ere exquisite. The section by my right was filled with red gowns and the sections by my left were filled with black gowns. I reached for a short gown and saw a tag . The gown was worth ($200) two hundred dollars. My eyes were wide open, almost popping out from t

a red lipstick, I smiled at myself. I looked so beautiful, the red lipstick and red gown matched my white skin. My wavy hair was left falling freely, reaching my bum. I didn't worry about styling it. The red gown fits perfectly as if

walked in talking to someone on the ph

o the person at the other end of t

on in her eyes which l

her I asked,

g, your beauty just took me by surprise.


in the middle of the dining room with just two chairs at the both

m behind. I turned to see who it was. Shocked, I stood there staring. He looked so much like Alex . A bit matured, very ma

wards I asked

walking towards me. He touched my hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it. After which h

him I said

aim you before that bastard.

him and asking, "

f guard "What, I didn't say anyt

I said "No, maybe it

ded hi

e again. Turning to my left and right, I was looking to see if

Are you alright?" co

I answered with my s

my..., you're really h

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