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The Law of Lust

The Law of Lust


Chapter 1 Greatest Lawyer of All

Word Count: 1083    |    Released on: 22/02/2022

o handle my son's case. You deserve a better price, a BIGGER price than what we have

out bribery, and he was found not guilty because it turned out to be just a set up. His son is run

tone of my voice. "For now, I have to go, my secretary will just call you about bills and payments," I add

ry well-known on this field, that's not surprising. They called me 'Lawyer of No-Failed-Cases'... I don't think I need to explain to you about that, right. Becaus

someone who's guilty from their doings because I still have principles in life. I am not a lawyer to defend the wrong people. I'm here because aside from I'm good at this ... I want to help those people to be free from wrong ac

that sits here on the table because I have another case that needs to be handled this coming week

ace when I recognized him. This man's behavior is rude, he's obviously a lawyer but he doesn'

mistaken, he's in the Legal Department at El Zey Group... a company of my friend Zeid. I di

approached my table. "Congratulations, for the n'nt ti

tention back to what I was reading wh

ressed with you

ard as I expected,

So? Let's celebrate la

wed," I replied without even looking at him beca

ht away? You are really workaholic,

series of knocks on the door from outside... "Come in!"

ust an intern here at my firm because she's just waiting for the

er, good afternoon, Attorney O

fice, he was just here in my office so maybe that’s the reason she was here. Yella slowly ap

again?" Brent interrupt

was reading because I have no


ision that she handed the fol

n sighed. "I told her countless times that I was not ye

’s willing to

ometimes there are nasty clients who don’t und

need to prioritize the fully paid ones. She’s really getting into my nerves. Just go back

in the waiting

lied. I just don't have a comment on how he takes c

r close and then he

st shook my head while laughing. "That Leigh Devon is really annoying." I even hear


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