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Hell Of A Marriage

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 2454    |    Released on: 25/02/2022

. What did she do now?

ers and makes h

he knows one need is higher than hers and Keen

or her lu

ce and took her to lunch four years, the eyes of other colleagues trail and longer on them, especially

for her and Vary slows down in her walk, deb

heavy pounding of her heart shouted t

is most hidden and bizarre secret? Is he finally going to do what he’s always

stern voice, “Ms Klean or I’m goi

ing or dead body into the office. Dead for sure

she piss

rom inside. She was pushing his limit with pati

red of me keeping all your secrets, you don’t have to kill me you can just have my memory erased it’s called the advanc

s himself as he watches h

out hands her his handkerchief. “no damn it! I will no

still smiles even in her pathetic state, “Re

returns, she hands his handkerchief back to him, but

rs, which it also forced Keenan to look at and for a weird reason he finds her tiny f

he suddenly asks, strai

question and when her eyes meet his, the

ith his question he just asks, but then again, this

her dream. They began dating two years ago after things had ended with Drew and, compared to Drew, Levi was an angel sen

exactly she misses thought, but she isn

ou. Miss. Me?” he asks the third time and

think I mi-ssed yo -you.” she nervou

onders what the hell is so amusing. “You don’t think you miss

uncomfortably in her seat. “What do you want, Mr

last couple of minutes that he’s appeared back into her life a

. “I don’t know, but you always

nd her brows rise immediately.

ime and I’m a little bored, s

e can stop herself from throwing mean wo

own, you arrogant piece of shit!’ She bites

it was that she had little control over her thought to words process and

but realised it was because she didn’t hide her thoughts from

o deep thought and makes sure she doesn’t blurt out anything ra

essing his laughter, and either he doesn’t see V

gged me to lunch almost every time and I know you didn’t care what your employee thought about you asking me out, but did you ever stop to wonder what that would feel like to me? I was made to look lik

r and when they saw how dedicated I was, they respected me and I didn’t feel intimidated by anyone and so I could work with a clear and straight head. Now you’re back all that is over because it’s been four years and you’re still the same, but I’ve changed and I don’t know the selfish joy you derive from teasing me

elief as happiness floods her from the inside out, but as that settles she realises what it is she

ul feeling settles. As she pessimi

Vary, I didn’t mean to put you through all that and now make you feel this way.” he

nd inconsiderate, and

om the young crazy lady he once knew into a blunt woman and she deserves respect for that. “I just feel I can be myself around you at work

with her as usual, but she sees no trace of humour in his eye

ent now? Did she hurt him with her word? That’s not possible, and if she did, he

t!” His blue eyes sweep over to her when she says this, and s

What’s wrong?” confused, he

e to entertain you, right? W

read psychology instead of hotel man

ismissive tone, wiping hard on his mouth

sed her to, but she knows she’s Varisha, and never d

, deliberately throwing he

at you think you can be the one to h

nd her business since she was a child, so she do

the window. “No one can.” He mumbles to himself and turned away from h

ing for her to choose him has been his greatest downfall and he didn’t

int she stops trying to stop herself from talki

y knew who she was, hell after what went down four y

hard, but his voice is mor

ps at him, tiring of hi

today. Vary can’t help pitying him even more after he finished telling her everything, although h

for him, loving someone completely and waiting

Keenan glares at her at once. “Don’t give me

y, dragging in a deep brea

g how the pity phrase goe

hen she looks up, she saw his raised brows. Oh, she didn’t

u expect? I broke things off with Taylor before coming here and that was t

to end it and say it like you mean it, dem

“I’ve been telling her that for four fuck

wing what else to say and she should have stopped at that, but she made matters w

just staring at her and then

feels dumbfounded by his question and gives the best answer

s his face brighten up. “Good to know that.” he gets up and walks over to her before stretching hi

kes his hand and they bo

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