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His Handmaid: Longing for You

Chapter 4 Days of duties

Word Count: 575    |    Released on: 27/02/2022

hese past few days, every maids to their

me to serve as any handmaid to any lor

o the other, should ends up being flogged or face the consequences of what the lord might demand, that'

r hall supervisor as every other hall has, I thought lady pearl was going to be the one to supervise us because of her kind


burtal ladies in this mansion, no other but Lady Emily of Hosts, but never really met her or seem her rage face before. Ever since then, she always fell sick. "P

alf. Showing my incomplete braveness that I would st

" she instantly compliment, "please be careful, lady Emily can be the devil herself sometimes" sh

my way to the large stairwa

mod and bucket tightly. I said, those shrivering arms don't want to stop shak

ack. I remember that Emma said the Lordships are in a meeting and it's will takes three hours befor

he arrives of the Lady Emily, almost done then my b

hitting the marble floor whlie splash

am I going to get this done

voice, I quivers, lift up my head face a furious beautiful wo

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