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Master's Slave

Chapter 5 Sharing Room With Lesbians

Word Count: 873    |    Released on: 27/02/2022

red every nooks and crannies of the room are cob webs-free. She swept the room and later went to fetch water and packed every materials in the room out and mopped the floor after

nent who was trying to bring her father down during the period and she was made to weed out grasses with her hands. She really suffered for two weeks a

her room. She sighed tiredly as she was exhausted from everything she's done. And just then, a knock came on her


er eyes focused on the tray amd not read

meal would be just with the sal

dy proffered the tray to her as she collecte

satisfaction and belched loudl


o some si

t. She could hear some grunting voice and a shadow moving and hitting something on the ground. She peeped till she

actually in the floor wa

and walked away as a tiny reminder stated she wasn't able t

wn. She couldn't believe this was the same room she set and cleaned in the day and saw some unfamiliar clothes littered

herf**ker that ruined it all up,

e of you little wh*re" the second stated angrily and just then the bathr

ed and turned her face swift

walked towards the clos

ot seen a well shaved p*ssy before" the lady shirked as Sophia turned

some clothes on" Sophia scof

d into the room with no clo

ring room with, huh" the second la

Sophia's shifted her legs as s

ntroduced and smiled sheepishly at Sop

ired of talking?

was searching through the closet looking for something to wear an

come in" and the door was slightly pushed as the same lady who came with her food earlier ca

and then settled down to ea


thought as she carries her f

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