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Rejected mate, pregnant!

Chapter 5 Who's child

Word Count: 1650    |    Released on: 01/03/2022

hs later.

my office. I look up and motion for her to come in. "

t was so nice I cried, they gift me with baby stuff and also personal gift for myself. I'm still a secretary but after my manager found out I'm pregnant that and I started to show she insist I

James. He smile and give me a wave as I step inside. James lost complete interest in me after I star

car and head home. After realizing I wasn't going to spent much here I decided to not

a lot of convincing for her to finally agree. I didn't want to bother her and her mate personal time with my presents. I mean even thought their wal

king hug I tell u that much. Dr. Reid who has become my personal doctor wanted to do another ultra sound to find out the genders but I refuse I wanted the sex of my babies to be a surprise. Yes babies I'm

rly hair bouncing as she came down stairs. She's wearing a blue dress that hugs her b

e day we went on the run and we bonded instantly. "So where are the guys at? We leave in an hour you know" I said after we stop laughing. They'll all be coming with me back home. I was so

swers. "Anyway we still have to wait for th

e up. He just wanted to "protect me" that and in case I try any funny busines

ask coming down the stairs.

ted. Ryan wore a fitted navy blue shirt and dark jeans, his hair still a little damp for the shower he just came out from. J

g his muscles what's with this guy and flexing his muscles?

ty scoffed a smirk

y both sho

h before those men get here." I said getting up know if I don't intervene they will be an whose hot and who


of flat pumps waiting for me. Kristy must have placed these out for me I thought. She loves picking clothing out for me. I quickly p

e. I couldn't stop my feet from walking even if I wanted to. It's as if a force was pulling me, before I could wrap my head around it, I'm already in the kitchen. Boom! It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was intoxicating and stro

how did he find me and why is he here? I kept

waving a hand in front of my face. I on

other down. He's just as handsome as he was when I last saw him. My mind clicks as I remember the last time I saw

me and I slap him across the face as hard as I could. Everyone now lo

et and a lot more emotions I couldn't place. His eyes fell and his gaze drop to my stomach and he look up at me in

nger that hazel color instead it's black, pitch black. Can black get any darker? I

ge shaking even more. It then registers to me what he's asking and why he's angry. He doesn't know. He doesn't know that I'm pregnant with his kids. No won

, she wanted him to

while Ryan and Jace take a protective stance beside me, ready to take action at any

uickly shut her off after s

he was still shaking. I think I hear a bone

g hard." It's yours." I said more quietly. Everything w

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