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The Alpha's Forbidden Mate

The Alpha's Forbidden Mate

Author: A king

Chapter 1 A girl named Livey

Word Count: 2752    |    Released on: 01/03/2022

wolves filling the pack community, they were said to be the most peaceful and dangerous pack ruled by the Alpha, Alpha Sherlock who ruled the pack with a strict power causing domin

a cheerful life and lived with it until now, playing in the woods was Ash se

rom behind a tree, he smiled to have f

with her tiny legs which weren’t able to run a far distance from Ash, h

ppy and lively. Sitting on the grass he watched her play with her hair, tugging it all back

by her side, they have been unseperable after they met when he was five years old an

s shoulders and watched the waterfall

rank in the pack was close to nothing to him, her parents were the pack’s chief warr

” He held up his pinky finger and intertwined it with hers making a daring promise to

ether, she closed her eyes and took a lung full of air and smiled imagining i

blinked her beautiful eyes and watched his happy expression, though she was clearly tired, she

o her, he halted a bit and let her run as fast as her legs cou

missing, Livey was so shaky that she stumbled to the ground in fear, it was the A

asked, his father must alrea

h was in opposite direction of where her house was, Livey checked her bruis

er when they played, she turned back and took to her heels

the Castle until he got to

other said shocking him

ding his dirty han

bit of a frown, he couldn’t lie to her so he nodded hi

at you for leaving the house and wh

played with in the castle but he choosed her and instea

I will make her my Luna” he boldly sa

ke her your Luna if she is not your mate” she stated wit

bed and waiting for Alpha Sherlock his father to scold him as he usually doe

after you have met your father” Scarlett closed th

l who he wasn’t sure was his mate as h

e castle and also in the hall were the members of the Peach moon pack hoping to see their Alpha’s son wolf

s wolf to speak to him, when

Hamish his wolf said and soon cracking of bones were

Alpha. They caved a path for him and Hamish walked out through the open doors until he could be seen by his pack members, t

emony, she stood outside the hall and could hear his growl, her man was all grown up, it would take th

sat with the Alpha, Be

was certainly bigger than his which was a sign that h

o find your mate and you can be ma

they couldn’t do without each other. He prayed in his heart that she was his mate, he couldn’t wait to feel the sparks and tingles when they to

knew why he was that happy, she excused herself

ready been trained to be a respectful Alpha but now your wolf will go through

finish their sermon, he couldn’t wait to see Livey,

erlock asked noticing his preying

serious tone trying not to b

it would mean a lot to me” Alpha Sherlock stated, he wanted his son to be more powerful than him making him a proud father who had trained him well, the Peachmoon pack we

e way and even better, Alpha Sherlock might not be present throughout your life” Gamma

Alpha Sherlock lashed out staring ang

, I didn’t mean t

en at the saddest moment, he was the warmest and kindest person he ever knew, his child

her, she must have been waiting

how his relief for leaving them, he hastily walked through the corridor when Sc

ight into the woods where he met Livey sitting on a rock playing with her hair, she had

beautiful lightly brown eyes, dark long hair at his neck length wearing

ight, I u

t for a while until she spoke up, “C

felt quite awkward not

st time, it was something that most teenage wolves dreaded with their life’s, some eve

d in his head, they were both one and they could hear e

’t slept last night because all she could thin

her hand and he couldn’t feel the sensation of touching her, there wa


adly, he could feel how much Ash loved

suddenly retracted his hands from he

n why did he feel so much love towards her than anyone else that he had ever m

o meet her fearful eyes, he quickly drew her to h

there is nothing

mbfounded for a second, Livey knew that if she was his mate

edge meant that s

my heart yearns for you and you alone” he sa

use of her, it is forbidden” H

ur wolf” she asked rai

” he an

d her tiny hands to touch him and her succumbed to her touch waggling his tail in delight. Hamish

race and smiled at her, no matter what happens he wasn’t going to

e needed to find his mate, if he wanted to be the Alpha, it meant that

athing was heavy but what she enjoyed the most was his masculine scent which w

said and tears rolled out of her eyes for such a cruel re

she responded to him, he cupped her face giving her a d

shing her hair to the back and holdin

eft, it was a painful scene for her to figure out that she wasn’t his mate, she

rs that her parents weren’t back, she laid on her bed


r Ash but he never came, neit

onths, she wasn’t allowed into the pack’s ca

ecting her’

adn’t set her eyes on him, still waiting each

whole years’ she cried feeling the

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1 Chapter 1 A girl named Livey2 Chapter 2 Mate3 Chapter 3 Omega4 Chapter 4 Alpha Ash5 Chapter 5 White wolf6 Chapter 6 Broke me7 Chapter 7 Escape8 Chapter 8 Don't leave me9 Chapter 9 Attack10 Chapter 10 Alpha paul11 Chapter 11 New home12 Chapter 12 I can have you if I want13 Chapter 13 You will regret this14 Chapter 14 When you are ready15 Chapter 15 I waited for you16 Chapter 16 Punishment17 Chapter 17 Death18 Chapter 18 Sapphire19 Chapter 19 Date20 Chapter 20 Let me go21 Chapter 21 Make you suffer22 Chapter 22 New witch23 Chapter 23 I refuse to belong to you24 Chapter 24 Dear livey25 Chapter 25 Dear Ash26 Chapter 26 Are you my mate27 Chapter 27 Rejected twice28 Chapter 28 I miss him29 Chapter 29 Redeem yourself30 Chapter 30 Love me back31 Chapter 31 Newton32 Chapter 32 Meet33 Chapter 33 Denial34 Chapter 34 Protect my man35 Chapter 35 Have you found your mate 36 Chapter 36 Promise37 Chapter 37 He is my mate38 Chapter 38 I want you39 Chapter 39 Back home40 Chapter 40 Your fault41 Chapter 41 New Alpha42 Chapter 42 Return 43 Chapter 43 Abomination44 Chapter 44 Payback45 Chapter 45 Payback 246 Chapter 46 Healing47 Chapter 47 Is he alive 48 Chapter 48 Guilt49 Chapter 49 Not your mother50 Chapter 50 A new plan51 Chapter 51 Ash's mom52 Chapter 52 New Luna53 Chapter 53 Departure54 Chapter 54 Princess livey55 Chapter 55 Princess Livey256 Chapter 56 Princess Livey 357 Chapter 57 Blame58 Chapter 58 Princess Livey 459 Chapter 59 Queen is back60 Chapter 60 She is mine61 Chapter 61 Judah's visit62 Chapter 62 Lord Thane63 Chapter 63 Witches64 Chapter 64 Change destiny65 Chapter 65 Council66 Chapter 66 No Ash67 Chapter 67 God's forbid68 Chapter 68 Bring back my mate69 Chapter 69 Three days 270 Chapter 70 Consequences71 Chapter 71 Reincarnation72 Chapter 72 Deny my mate73 Chapter 73 Deny my mate 274 Chapter 74 Prophecy75 Chapter 75 Caught76 Chapter 76 Ruined ego77 Chapter 77 Rejection78 Chapter 78 Rejection 279 Chapter 79 I need her80 Chapter 80 Trap81 Chapter 81 Lost82 Chapter 82 Lost 283 Chapter 83 Second mate84 Chapter 84 Second mate 285 Chapter 85 Threats86 Chapter 86 I want Revenge 187 Chapter 87 I want Revenge 288 Chapter 88 I want Revenge 389 Chapter 89 The Curse90 Chapter 90 The Curse 291 Chapter 91 Second chance92 Chapter 92 Second chance 293 Chapter 93 Dreams94 Chapter 94 Dreams 295 Chapter 95 Can I unreject you 96 Chapter 96 Can I unreject you 297 Chapter 97 Mark me98 Chapter 98 Mark me99 Chapter 99 Dinner100 Chapter 100 Dinner 2