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Love and Fear

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1615    |    Released on: 03/03/2022

ie put her wolf to sleep. But why? What is she hiding? What does she not want Ellen to know? Aunt Bonnie had told Ellen that her mother died giving birth to her and Axe

to a human family 4 hours away. There was a Portland pack, and she was sure the Alpha would have help

y lifted its head when they arrived. Aunt Bonnie's house was full of books. Shelves and shelves of books all kinds of folklore, grimwars and history books. A few photos of Ellen and different people as Ellen grew up. O

red most of their questions. Axel spoke first, asking why she placed him with a h

you start hearing a voice in your head. I thought I was

his pack could never find you. He was an evil man who only thought of himself. He left your mother a

ll you, his name?" Axel questioned. Aunt Bonnie

There was a weathered photo with Writing on the back ~Ellen and Theo 1998~ t

this?" Ax

he never took it off. She

hy not

econd-born. She knew you'd be a wolf, and s

olf too? Maddox c

ed your mother, he left before he knew she was pregnant. She could not carry you to term, she could not deliver you, without wolf healing, she could not recover from the hemorrhaging that would come from childbirth. Once Maddox marks Ellen, her wolf will break through her mind. She will be able to shift, speed heal


ging and swinging not a care in the world. The couple from the photo is sitting on the patio watching. Her mother walks out


shes them to the ground. Ell

Bonnie stops to pick

ks at Lucy and back at the photo, to Lucy back to the picture. Lucy explai

he crash." Ellen runs and grabs another album fr

ks her. That's my sister, but I don

crash. But she does have severe PTSD from the accident. She has been


Bennet wolf I was t


I was trying so hard to keep all my happiness that my sister was alive, anxiety that she was in a healing facility and anger that I t

d my nails were my own again. I had to keep it together. Now was not the time to lose control! No pity parties today! I turned to Axel, and when I went to say thank you, I noticed the look on Bonni

er met one before; I've only read about them. They are some of the rarest wolves. Something is different. Usually, ataractic wolves are mo

king me to see my sister,

hen. Why don't you take a rest, and I'll make us so

ether. I feel like my world is crashing down around me and eve

ow that I would have been able to keep it together with the way you have. Remember how strong you

ght, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Thank the moon goddess because I couldn't handle any more nightmares. True to his word, Liam an


om my great great great Grandmother. Her youngest brother

s of the future. Some can heal, Others read minds so many gifts undiscovered. Their bloodline is pure. However, they are of Alpha blood and being this pure makes their arrogance the

e key to fixing Lanie's wolf! I feel connected to these girls. Since I

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