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Mommy, Hiding From Billionaire's Daddy

Chapter 5 Pregnant And runaway!

Word Count: 1509    |    Released on: 07/03/2022

d hardly eat and go home. I just keep carrying biscuits and clothes because so

to his office almost every day. And from my seat, I could he

woman. I could hear the woman’s voice so well

, baby. I’m comin

like someone was digging inside my stomach. I vomited

e a mess. It was as if my hair had become a bird’s nest. I was ver

I was so scared to see Robert leaning against the bathroom door. H

fraid that might be what he wou

not to leave your desk un

ow how to back off. I felt the sink behi

cheek. I was doubly nervous when

ately grabbed me with a kiss. I kept my mouth shut a

ready bleeding there. When a few minutes passed, an

Julia!” Robert said and gr

opened my mouth no matter what he did. When he reali

k,” Robert said and left

of Robert. If it wasn’t for torturing me at work, he did even lay a hand on me. He whacked me once. Th

nside that restroom unti

know how or who brought me there. Just what

Miss! You’re two

l. I just cried, thinking t

mpty-handed a

ll asleep

adache. I would have planned to be absent if Robert had

ny things that I co

at, fucking bit

I was feeling. “It’s your fault too, ah?!”

his anger seemed to deepen when he

o suffer like this? It was your fault why

p, you

ld back. I’m full. One more thing, I hav

first if Camila was next to you and not

y face and tightened his grip on my neck. I cried. “Yo

ly. Seriously? D

iel, let me into your room! I was the first there, so it’s your

before, so I even sat on the floor. I immediately f

became a woman ...” Robert

and looked a

time ago.” After saying that, he im

he was gone, m

know I’m guilty; I don’t deserve this. I need

immediately called the first

called! I

I kept from sobbing. “M-Mom?” But I failed. Because ther

heard the concern in her voice

to go b-back. I want to

ept that. He regretted it and said that I could come back whenever I wanted.. But I d

When my parents found out I was pregnant,

ou left us, and then you’ll come back

ust adopted. My real mother was a housemate of the Winstons

day, she insulted and tortured me. She blames me for everything her parents have helped

didn’t want to, but I insisted. I don’t like Sister Jenna criti

The child is said to be weak, and I should not experience stress and fatigue.

el. Even Sister Jenna’s treatment of me has changed. She loved Yara too, an

she already knew it was her granddaughter. I begged her to keep that thing secret from Robert. I know that Robert will take my daughter fro

t me was gone. He doesn’t hurt me anymore. Going back to

her. He almost avoided me all day, but we coul

so been hiding Yara Winston from him for five years. Alm

here is no secret tha

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1 Chapter 1 Who is he, Mommy 2 Chapter 2 Hiding the Billionaire's baby!3 Chapter 3 One night stand!4 Chapter 4 Caught them Naked in the same bed!5 Chapter 5 Pregnant And runaway!6 Chapter 6 you're telling the truth!7 Chapter 7 Run-away from Billionaire again!8 Chapter 8 My daughter ... Yara Steele, right 9 Chapter 9 I'm taking her away from you!10 Chapter 10 I felt trapped!11 Chapter 11 You gave birth to get our money!12 Chapter 12 Don't hurt my mommy! I hate you!13 Chapter 13 Do you hate me 14 Chapter 14 He's really changed 15 Chapter 15 My daughter feared her daddy, too!16 Chapter 16 I don't know if I'll ever forgive you!17 Chapter 17 please ... Don't hate me!18 Chapter 18 I really want to get you back!19 Chapter 19 Should I give Robert a second chance 20 Chapter 20 I will take her away from you!21 Chapter 21 Would he break his promise 22 Chapter 22 It was impossible for me to love him!23 Chapter 23 Mommy is mine! You'll sleep alone tonight!24 Chapter 24 Gave Robert a second chance!25 Chapter 25 Let me prove my love to you!26 Chapter 26 You're so wet!27 Chapter 27 B-Boss. No...!28 Chapter 28 Body shot!29 Chapter 29 Release me, Robert!30 Chapter 30 I love you, Juli!31 Chapter 31 Robert's girl!32 Chapter 32 I won’t stop until you say you love me, too!33 Chapter 33 You are my sun!34 Chapter 34 I love you, Robert!35 Chapter 35 Moan my name, Juli!36 Chapter 36 I want to marry you, Juli!37 Chapter 37 Dwayne Morrone!38 Chapter 38 A plan to kill you!39 Chapter 39 Camila was definitely back!40 Chapter 40 Robert and Camila meet!41 Chapter 41 Camila invited me to talk!42 Chapter 42 For him to get Yara To kill me 43 Chapter 43 Don't leave me!44 Chapter 44 Take my daughter away from me!45 Chapter 45 Kidnapped!46 Chapter 46 Dwayne's madness!47 Chapter 47 Robert got shot!48 Chapter 48 It was my fault!49 Chapter 49 I felt him take his ... last breath.50 Chapter 50 Did you ... kill him 51 Chapter 51 Wrap your legs around my waist!52 Chapter 52 Will you marry me, Juli 53 Chapter 53 Gold digger secretary 54 Chapter 54 Why was she hugging my fucking brother !55 Chapter 55 I promise to always love you!56 Chapter 56 How doomed can I be 57 Chapter 57 Don't be shy to tell me!58 Chapter 58 Someone, please help me escape!59 Chapter 59 That girl is mine!60 Chapter 60 I'll keep your secret!61 Chapter 61 Your secret is safe with me!62 Chapter 62 Make me the top one!63 Chapter 63 He's going to judge me!64 Chapter 64 Victoria is so f*cking clingy!65 Chapter 65 Please, come with me!66 Chapter 66 Enter my hellish life!67 Chapter 67 David who caught me!68 Chapter 68 Destroyed the wall that I built long ago!69 Chapter 69 He took my hand!70 Chapter 70 Date me, Daphne!71 Chapter 71 You're important to me!72 Chapter 72 I won't let it happen this time!73 Chapter 73 You are not my daughter!74 Chapter 74 It's okay not to be okay!75 Chapter 75 We walked hand in hand!76 Chapter 76 Daphne, this is Julia!77 Chapter 77 I will do everything to win your heart!78 Chapter 78 I love you, twin sister!79 Chapter 79 How can I not fall in love with him!80 Chapter 80 Just cry, my laurel!81 Chapter 81 But you are hurting me!82 Chapter 82 I will receive his wrath if he finds out about this!83 Chapter 83 Does he know his twin is here 84 Chapter 84 I hope you'll forgive me!85 Chapter 85 You're both flirtatious. You're a whore!86 Chapter 86 I just wanted to escape my hellish and miserable life!87 Chapter 87 Will my life change when I come with you 88 Chapter 88 Lewis gave me a second life!89 Chapter 89 Lewis is my new home!90 Chapter 90 Maybe it’s time for me to stop running away!91 Chapter 91 I have to be ready to face my past!92 Chapter 92 Nice to meet you, Yadiel. My name is Daphne!93 Chapter 93 Daphne, this is Yadiel, my twin brother!94 Chapter 94 My butler was a cunning man!95 Chapter 95 You can run but you can never hide!96 Chapter 96 Please, let me go with you!97 Chapter 97 I broke you while he fixed you!98 Chapter 98 Lewis: I love you, Daphne!99 Chapter 99 The End: You're my life!100 Chapter 100 Bonus chapter: how will I react and feel when we meet