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Alpha Maximus:The last lycan

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1337    |    Released on: 11/03/2022

with us! I don't like Alpha Tate, or his wolf, Gre

o his arms after the way he has treat

d out here. We should hea

are scouring the area for me. They

e and climb up the lattice, onto the r

open window below me, speaking to other people. I cra

dinary wolf. I saw it with my own eyes

ability, what are your int

over other packs, and become the stronges

t? She can't heal them to dea

eal us as we are wounded, so we have no

efuses to heal

to mark and mate her, and make her the Luna so

omised you’d mark me and

n the side,’ he says, and she

ng marked, but the thought of Alpha Tate

e Alpha Maximus coming to stay i

e Lycan Prince?’ S

Everyone in the room gasps

e yells, slamming hi

ill him, and then the Blood Moon pack will be ours! The oth

the lycan have here

s it, it's not just on a full moon that he loses all control over his lycan. His lycan has become

ety of this pack allowi

for him in case he is here during a full moon. His pack members will chain him up until the full moon passes. This will be the bes

I tell

ate is, that he has to lock an alp

nworthy al

he attic but it doesn't open. I scrape all the ice off around the ed

hear footsteps coming upstairs. I rush over to the window, open it, and am halfway out whe

rying me downstairs. I try to break free of h

veryone waits and watches in anticipati

knife,’ Alp

s belt, and hands it to Alpha Tate, who ta

le and plonks his hand in front of me. The blood pools, and drips

eans in closer to watch. I sit the

eal me!’ He snaps

d and puts it on his hand, before grabbing my

’ he says. I look at my hands covered i

is, both of us flinching

at our hands, and my hair begins to float, my

voice, the glow fades, my eyes turn

let go. Alpha Tate stands and wipes his bloody hand across his chest to sh

ing, before pushing over a f

ryone begins eating, speaking abou

eous after healing him. I run out of the room, and don

a low cupboard, and close the door beh

one of the she-wolves’ rooms for warmer clothes,

going to go

as we get as far away fro

te come after

to at least try and get

ully it’s our last night in

He might kill you for

wants to use me for my

nestle my head on my arms, like

n by Alpha Tate tearing the

Come out, come out, wherever you are,’ he

is, when suddenly his eyes are in my line of sight and are in

’ He says,

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