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Finding closure

Chapter 3 Reminiscing

Word Count: 2065    |    Released on: 15/03/2022




he very same voice that has filled my senses for the past six

r. Why her, Of all people.? What trick and shady pla

e into my office and act like a naive stranger? But above all, how dare her, Hazel Kaitlin Moore, walk into my office lookin

he same woman that threw the happiest moments in my life into the gutter and made them beaut

m a

, but angrier at myself after a few reality hits me. I watch as she hurries out of my office, saved by John'

questions, and someone only Hazel ne

tched on his oval-shaped face, and this thick lash d

ame question I asked myself when I caught a

tly, she is the head of accounting for sto

seat on the same coffee brown leathered Italian cushion Hazel had earlier sat on. Concern mixed with pity f

around here, that's for sure," I

el has plans of moving or volunteers to be transferred to one of the regional offices, it looks like you guys will just have to make things work." John say


the boss. That is our only relationship. Whatever happened b

uizzes, and my head flies to look at h

, thinking of ways to shove his

is this new place I discovered recen

here is a limit to his diet. Growing up, he always had home-cooked meals. He possesses a sort

female staffs are easy on the eyes,

l pass, I need to catch up on Stohlman's management, and

ohn rasps and smiles warmly " Take it, easy

ing a hand down my face, I try to clear the fog latching onto my brain, and instead of focusing

I never imagined meeting Hazel under these circumstances. I can't possibly confront her and demand an explanation for h

ucceeded in hurting me or that she still exists t

pping it from the serving pape, I nimble at it before gracefully shoving it in my mouth. The sandwich was usual, spicy chicken with cream cheese on

my Expresso Latte, that is when I first saw Her. the fourth table to the left facing a window, one hand scrubbing furiously and the other han

h an aggressive ea

he is in danger of flunking," Robin spoke sharply, evenly sharing his att

s" I burst out and Robin concurs with a brief nod, as his a

now so much a

n her here before?" Robin q


ifts when anyone is unavailable". That's enough information to

nd her face as she continues her onslaught. Totally oblivious to the appreciative gaze directed at her, she munches and scribbles away with c

rshly chewed on the last chunk of sandwich she stuffed in her mouth. she stared at me and when she noticed my gaze zeroed on

rves. The pupils of her large, limpid eyes seemed to dilate and Her eyes were a thousand shades, depths of green and blue and amber like a deep, ancient river. Her pink tongue unconsciously darted out to l

lmost in front of her and could see the most of her face, she is beautiful! I was almost nervous at the intensity of her gaze. Her deep green eyes

ead of relying she chewed quietly and stared at me with eyes almost squint

of my professors for two years

gling to rewrite an assignment he gave because I mad

join you?

ave a weapon I


I reply

" she said and motioned t

his weapon you

r, Houston was my professor for two years so I have all his not

of this" she smile

em if you want, your major is b

ing" she rep

, what year

rd year

year " I

No wonder you sound a little t

discard, I am

eyes twinkle with exci

ience is a thing" the smile on my face i

return for the notes? I am assuming it's not for fre

n a date

e you flirting with me, Mr. Andre

date with me?". The walls of her cheeks form a shallow dimple, sho

pecific and how do you know my

n tol

she exclaims i

told him about your prof

s?" Sh

t have gotten a romantic date and ammunition to deal with y

h? And if

notes and I am kinda irre

t me, I love food and

ht here, what do you s

5:30 pm, I ha

ght blush crept up her cheeks and without w

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