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Julie and her wife

Chapter 3 Julie's worst fear 2

Word Count: 1001    |    Released on: 24/05/2022

that you are feeling? or are you ashamed of what you feel for me. Julie replied exactly

lf , Amanda just smiled and pecked Julie on the chick. Am in love with you Julie and I know you love me too, and Julie said, is this even love? can someone love like I do? I didn't even loved my husband like this. I think is a sickness and I know the doctor, and can you please tell me what you wanted to tell me? I missed you and I wanted to kiss you, Amanda said. And Julie came closer like wanting to kiss Amanda, you know what I like? things done my way so can you give me that? Julie said. Yes, Amanda replied. Julie gave Amanda a hot and sweet kiss, they kissed and Julie break free. Amanda complained. I can't get enough of you, Amanda said, while Julie was holding Amanda's hand. I rule here and please be patient. She told Amanda to go back in her apartment. Amanda said no, am not going unless you go with me, I have started to miss you already. Amanda come down, and she kissed her, I still think that we are making a very bad decision but am not regretting the choices I made. good night love, ok sleep tight and they kissed. they both went in their apartments. Julie did not sleep and so did Amanda, they kept on texting each other till morning. Slivia Julie's sister woke Julie up but she did not want to wake up she prepared break fast and woke her up again but Julie still refused to wake up, Slivia asked Julie, are you sick? but Julie did not answer. Is their some one you would like to share? Slivia asked. yes of cause I have but am scared and am really not ready to tell. Months later Amanda and Julie's relationship grew stronger Julie called Amanda and she

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