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The CEO and Me.

Chapter 3 ceo3

Word Count: 2049    |    Released on: 26/03/2022

the lady grip, and pulled the cart out of thei

Before the doors closed, my dark eyes met pen

under. She glared at me in so much anger someone would have thought that I

! Do you have any idea w

head and spoke way too fast. But by the way she was moving

ust about to write something when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw her th

being too impatient to

art to head for the stairs. As I turned, there were people talking amongst

News of the deaf girl that made a racket in the presence of a very impo

how he held himself standing ahead of the three men, I wou


ning staff had different hours compared to regular employees, since some teams too

'clock, which worked well for

I grabbed my lunch and headed for my usual spot. I had been eating


But then again, I never really stumbled upon anyone in the whole rooftop, very rarely I'd spot someone smoking along the wall or

room the size of my apartment, and that was always locked. I had no

the ladder. It wasn't much, around ten steps before

that lone room

sy city. Even though the building wasn't the t

ere I wondered how people didn't feel suffocated living in the middle of such high buildings. They were


nce I had lived my whole life in a sma

le spot of heaven. Sitting with crossed legs, I let out a deep sigh. The tall buildings and far away scenery of water, the people t

this whole wide world. Sometimes we get so lost in our problems and

wasn't here anymore, that the world would keep tur

ldn't stop turning because a student failed his exam or because a

and children who were being slaughtered everyday in the four cor

so insig

heard if I hadn't lost my hearing five years ago. Horns honking, engines rev

id about people down there with all that noise. I took my smal

ages in my head tangible. But after the accident, everything went from bad to worse and I could no lo

ouldn't afford yet; the money I'd use to buy some real drawing too

k, to look at the real thing. The Blue sky contrasted harshly with the gray building

ught looking at the blue sky I

of handsome features. The face of the man from earlier didn't leave my mind as I took a bite out of my peanut butter and jelly sandw

go grocer

. But when I remembered what had happened earlier, I felt a deep sens

to complain, though. He didn't look arrogant to me. Cold and frigid, yes. Bu

e, I hoped

it out. It was a message, from Jim's school. Since they knew about my hearing, they only c

rel! He skipped on

t notified when he skipped the first few classes. I gathered my things and

nal issues with my balance. I'd experience rare moments of vertigo that left the world spin

by like usual, I kept my mind from wandering again and finished everything I h

e ladies of the cleaning staff were nice, chatty among themselves. I was normally kept out of that loop for obvious reas

oolittle said, "did

had just opened her mouth to reply when her eyes flickered away from me to the door over my should

ponsible for the cleaning crews of this building, looking at me in an a

ing its way out of my chest. Jane passed me by as she walked in, bumping my shoulder while doing so. I rolled my eyes and wal

ffices. She only appeared once every week or so to make sure we were doing our j

er green eyes at me. With her five inch heels she was much tal

from the comp

ed man, perhaps?

ne. She said you angered a very important person", sh

n't that serious. Sadie didn't really have any authority to sack me, a

anyone. She just blew it out of proportions', I wrote a

till, I'm not taking any chances of it happening again. I'm going to make adjustment

wasn't in trouble, but a little ner

her lips as I nodded, then walked away, but not before muttering someth


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1 Chapter 1 ceo12 Chapter 2 miss doolittle23 Chapter 3 ceo34 Chapter 4 Not my mom25 Chapter 5 Shopping6 Chapter 6 Proposal7 Chapter 7 His eyes8 Chapter 8 Lydia9 Chapter 9 brandon10 Chapter 10 is this real11 Chapter 11 work12 Chapter 12 irene13 Chapter 13 he saw me14 Chapter 14 employer15 Chapter 15 grayson16 Chapter 16 grayson217 Chapter 17 the address18 Chapter 18 the address 219 Chapter 19 address320 Chapter 20 address421 Chapter 21 the accident22 Chapter 22 his smile23 Chapter 23 his smile24 Chapter 24 the lunch spot25 Chapter 25 30th floor26 Chapter 26 30th floor27 Chapter 27 the ceo company28 Chapter 28 ceo company29 Chapter 29 emotion30 Chapter 30 lydia and grayson31 Chapter 31 bother32 Chapter 32 bother233 Chapter 33 mr heng34 Chapter 34 leo35 Chapter 35 lydia birthday36 Chapter 36 lydia birthday237 Chapter 37 room five38 Chapter 38 ep3839 Chapter 39 parent house40 Chapter 40 cross that bridge41 Chapter 41 beautiful142 Chapter 42 beautiful 243 Chapter 43 beautiful 344 Chapter 44 beautiful445 Chapter 45 beautiful546 Chapter 46 beautiful647 Chapter 47 foggy48 Chapter 48 foggy249 Chapter 49 foggy350 Chapter 50 her lip51 Chapter 51 her lip252 Chapter 52 fault53 Chapter 53 liam and sophia54 Chapter 54 liam 55 Chapter 55 life56 Chapter 56 life257 Chapter 57 life358 Chapter 58 dizzily59 Chapter 59 dizzly260 Chapter 60 jayden61 Chapter 61 jaydan262 Chapter 62 you know her63 Chapter 63 julianna64 Chapter 64 sweetheart65 Chapter 65 dead by now66 Chapter 66 ethan67 Chapter 67 nathaniel68 Chapter 68 ms hooper69 Chapter 69 identity unknow70 Chapter 70 irene71 Chapter 71 twins72 Chapter 72 mrs braxton73 Chapter 73 the dress74 Chapter 74 leo and grayson75 Chapter 75 leo and grayson76 Chapter 76 leo77 Chapter 77 mr gallen78 Chapter 78 future79 Chapter 79 eve80 Chapter 80 sophia81 Chapter 81 feel him82 Chapter 82 matt83 Chapter 83 jail84 Chapter 84 life together