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The Alpha Prince Unexpected Mate

Chapter 4 Lost for words

Word Count: 1818    |    Released on: 27/03/2022

p to find a hand pulling her by h

't survive tod

e as she took in the sight of R

ly asked, eyeing her friend even

my face in that wedding without a date. Please

keep back betrayed themselves in her voice. She wished there was some

y's arms, she relaxed against her best friend'

to calm Roxanne's

ng a word, and that was enough assura

ter, it was the reason they remained inseperable since high schoo

mained in the heart of Texas. Still, the two didn't go a day with

to look Jonah and her sister in the eyes again, she ma

an any of them ha

essing mirror, Roxanne knew that h

leeves were long, down to her wrists. The round neck was held back with a fancy button at the back of her

own to the side of her belly button. She had glazing match

person. With heels on, the resemblance

er to shudd

ests at the church, in place of Roxanne, w

Roxanne did not intend to roam the streets in a bridal trai

one to walk into the

stark contrast to her sea blue col

f Manhattan, her mind continued to race. Who co

nal to think that she would be able to go to that wedding herself! Roxanne couldn'

l. She was going crazy just thinking about it. She had never had many ma

n her eyes at the

chool. He had always been there, through puberty, adolescence, adult hood, cranky college days, college graduation, po

he worked his head off and the mornings he slept in. She was there to leave a cup of coffee on his table when he worke

d started his own firm, she was there t

et, yet he betrayed her

e else apart from her sister. He could have decided to get

uld never forg

was going to make a major cross over from her end of the junction to the other when she caught sight of the traffic

car today and would have to pay almost a hundred dollars to get it back, if not more

iving did not last t


head flew towards the steering wheel, she found herself placing her hands

hell just

car coming from behind had

violently against her chest at the thought. But a small vo

to steady her breath. Her hands visibly sho

Emily would have been hurt, they would

and fake show of sympathy. She would have

word. She knew it was w

ope with the betrayal.

self portraying these days. It washed over her once agai

in luck cause Emily's car was insured, but Roxanne wasn't going

she stared past the glass of the windshield to the driver who

tting in there when he

o the car and slapped her p

m going to make sure neither of us walks out of here sane! You almost killed me

he smiled in satisfaction, even though the smile w

't enough,

's worth of frustration. It was a pity the man be

down from the driver's seat

'm so sor

ve killed me and you're sorry?!" She turned to her c

u! And you just ran into me! Where

ogetic eyes hidden behind heavy lens

d? Why did everything have to

g that she didn't see the man's eyes move away

serious, I'm handling it." The man spoke, even as some

ear the sound of breathing above her. It was then she took note of th

at her

ed in a scowl as sh

ncertain of what to expect, her eyes traveled up, throug

his face, bored blue e

n his eyes was cold e

f her." The man said again. Even as his e

car. Her eyes were fixed on him, sinking deepe

the way she screamed at the driver. It was a

nly then did Roxanne notice

tention was on her. His gaze was on her

r head, when she realised his eyes

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1 Chapter 1 Stinging Betrayal2 Chapter 2 In just one day3 Chapter 3 More pain4 Chapter 4 Lost for words5 Chapter 5 Found him!6 Chapter 6 Took us long enough7 Chapter 7 The Strange American woman8 Chapter 8 The wedding party9 Chapter 9 Sweet revenge10 Chapter 10 Fuck it!11 Chapter 11 Fire. Madness. Rage. Hunger. Desire12 Chapter 12 Not a one Night stand person13 Chapter 13 Why the rage 14 Chapter 14 Could I, would I, should I 15 Chapter 15 You killed my baby!16 Chapter 16 Back To Hell17 Chapter 17 The dreaded family dinner18 Chapter 18 Is there light at the end of the tunnel 19 Chapter 19 Holding back20 Chapter 20 At the golf course21 Chapter 21 Another slap on the face22 Chapter 22 The Bet23 Chapter 23 Not again24 Chapter 24 She was smiling25 Chapter 25 Good, he got her this time.26 Chapter 26 You're just not what we're looking for27 Chapter 27 If it were true, I would have known it28 Chapter 28 Confused as ever29 Chapter 29 Her mock apology30 Chapter 30 Didn't see that coming31 Chapter 31 It was an order32 Chapter 32 The offer33 Chapter 33 I really need a job34 Chapter 34 This is ridiculous! 35 Chapter 35 Accepting the offer36 Chapter 36 Exactly how wealthy was 37 Chapter 37 The Warm welcome38 Chapter 38 Exploring London39 Chapter 39 She cried wolf, literally40 Chapter 40 The Hunt41 Chapter 41 This has got to be one big joke42 Chapter 42 Do spare me your greetings43 Chapter 43 Who are you 44 Chapter 44 She was his mother 45 Chapter 45 There's fire on the mountain46 Chapter 46 We have a life to ruin47 Chapter 47 A human woman 48 Chapter 48 You have nothing to worry about49 Chapter 49 She was confused50 Chapter 50 I do not care!51 Chapter 51 Large family tree52 Chapter 52 He doesn't have a choice53 Chapter 53 Reuben Morrison is here54 Chapter 54 What had she gotten herself into 55 Chapter 55 The Magic Flute56 Chapter 56 Just let me be57 Chapter 57 Just dress officially58 Chapter 58 Please, stay a little longer59 Chapter 59 You most certainly would60 Chapter 60 I knew you wouldn't let me down61 Chapter 61 He's dead62 Chapter 62 There is nothing to tell63 Chapter 63 You think I'm not ready 64 Chapter 64 That was weird65 Chapter 65 Eloise's words of wisdom66 Chapter 66 A love square 67 Chapter 67 The promiscuous vampire king68 Chapter 68 I want her69 Chapter 69 It most certainly is70 Chapter 70 Rules or no rules71 Chapter 71 He won72 Chapter 72 She should be73 Chapter 73 Wrapped in his 74 Chapter 74 One down75 Chapter 75 We may begin76 Chapter 76 From a sage77 Chapter 77 I can volunteer!78 Chapter 78 Welcome to La Gomera79 Chapter 79 Unforseen circumstances80 Chapter 80 No one can81 Chapter 81 I can imagine82 Chapter 82 Unpleasant attention83 Chapter 83 His special Assistant84 Chapter 84 Do what you want85 Chapter 85 Would you stay with me 86 Chapter 86 His mother's idea87 Chapter 87 Warmest welcome88 Chapter 88 Clean this up89 Chapter 89 An instruction from the queen90 Chapter 90 Crossed the line91 Chapter 91 Whatever the circumstances92 Chapter 92 When had she ever been alright 93 Chapter 93 Don't cry94 Chapter 94 Roxanne was gone95 Chapter 95 Hell was waiting96 Chapter 96 Forfeited coronation97 Chapter 97 Poor Juliet98 Chapter 98 So be it99 Chapter 99 Keeping his promise100 Chapter 100 Long live the king