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The Revolution in Tanner's Lane

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2435    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

à La

as served early, as chapel began at half-past six. Mrs. Coleman, although it was Sunday, was very busy. She had made hot buttered toast, and she had bought some muffins, but had appeased her conscience by telling the boy that she would not pay for th

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it you. I do not approve of buying and selling on Sunday

to me;" and Mrs. Coleman went her way upstairs really b

wn morality there is no casuistry. Probably ours is worse than h

ite to her Zachariah. Zachariah and his wife believed in asking a blessing on their food; but, curiously enough, in 1814, even amongst the strictest sort, it had come to be the custom not to ask it at breakfast or tea, but only at dinner; although

der, by getting a shawl to put over the back of her chair; and these little attentions she rewarded by smiles and particular watchfulness over his plate and cup. At last he and Jean fell to talking about the jubilee which was to take place on the fir

ud?" said the Major. "

oice over your House of Brunswick; and it is to be the an

he battle of the Nile, you are no friend to Napoleon." So repl

a king, Major? God, the Maker of the sun and stars-to call upon the nation to bless Him for your Prince Regent. As for the Nile, I am, as you say, no fr

laughing, "is not so hostile to

s trying to do. I'm not going to thank the Supreme for

permitted to say that a perfectly consistent, unassailable creed, in which conclusion follows from premiss in unimpeachable order, is impossible. We cannot construct such a creed about any man or woman we know, and least of all about the unive

ckled fowls. All the chapel maidens and matrons, of course, were serious; but their seriousness was decent and in order. Mrs. Coleman was therefore scandalised, nervous, and dumb. Jean, as his manner was when his daughter expressed herself strongly, was also silent. His love fo

tion was becoming a little too metaphysical, and asked

s was said with a peculiar acidity-"there is nothing w

houghts were elsewhere. But at

and His own love in sending Jesus Christ to save us: that, as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. Do you ask me why does God wink at the crimes of kings and murderers? What if God, willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with much long-suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, and that

ear it all seemed to him, how indisputable! Childish association and years of unquestio

apel present, was very fidgety and uncomfortable during this speech. She had an exquisite art, which she sometimes practised, of dropp

ll you take

-cloth, with his head on hi

, may I give yo

Hebrew; but his passion was human, and her heart leapt out to meet him, although she knew not what answer to make. Her father was in the same position; but the M

tion!'-a strong and noble phrase. Wh

a little light, but it wa


are t

m God has

Sidmouth, and the rest

t that the mo

rist-all of us into whose hearts God's grace has not been poured-we, you, all of us

ll be observed. It was a concession to blunt

elf, Caillaud,

But, alas! he was at least a century and a half too late. He struggled, wrestled, self against self, and failed, not through want of courage, but because he wanted a deeper conviction. The system was still the same, even to its smallest details, but the application had become difficult. The application, indeed, was a good deal left t

udgest?' It is not fo

Almighty! He could not pronounce such a sentence, and yet his conscience whispered that just for want of the last nail in a sure place what he had built would come tumbling to the ground. During the conversation the time had stolen away, and, to their horror, Zachariah and his wife discovered that it was a quarter-past six. He hast

more; I know wh

I cannot, too, endure preaching. I cannot tolerate that man up in the pulpit looking down over all the people-so wise and so self-satisfied. I want to pull him out and say. 'Here, you, sir, come here and let m

hough it was her Sunday best, there was not a single thread of finery on it, and there was not a single crease nor spot. She bade Caillaud and Pa

make haste, we s

I walk faster than you. I must close the window a tr

than they knew. Zachariah thought he was so far, and yet he was so close. The man r

auline! May God in His mercy ble

erself apart. She came forward, took Zachariah's hand, when it was free, in both her own, held her head back a little, as if for clearness of survey, and said slowly, "God bless you, Mr. Coleman." She

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