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beautiful pain

Chapter 5 FIVE

Word Count: 1047    |    Released on: 03/04/2022

carefully. She first looked at the bathroom door which was still closed with the sound of th

f the curtain above, releasing it to be was

more and more to reach the curtain hooks, She didn't



to protect her baby, be in there. However, strangely he didn't


ately shrunk as those eyes stared intently at her. It turned out that she, being saved by her master made him fall

id." she said softly

vid squeaked

gain, Mr. Dav

m and had it happen right in front of his eyes, But strangely his

ure Aunt Laksmi is waiting. I want to wear my clothes." Sa

ns on the floor. She took a deep breath, why did his master's son hate He

think like this, suddenly your longing for your mother is so passio

r visit me? Did Mama

stepping out of the room and hands stroking

she must miss me too it

you going to be qu


t again. She should never have come here, at that tim

r on the second floor, she still hesitated to

knock f




to make a sign for her to go inside, but because


dirty clothes." Hana said quietly, although David was scary but A



room, she slowly felt the wall to find a switch so he could get light



d one of her legs, but luckily her stomach didn't hit the floor

awling on top of He

she felt the figure trying to strip her clothes

nds were locked above her head, while her lips were

be touched by someone who thirsts for satisfaction, Hana can't stop thinking. But what she was thinking about right now

, are you really thi


uld see a silhouette of a man who was now looking at her. And Hana could feel



what are y

bling body. She held her head which was throbbing in pain. Her clothes were already a

oftly, aunt Laksmi immediately hugg

y, Tamara, David and Serran. She turned to look the other way,

always do that to Hana. Did God plan s

He is very educating his children not to ruin someone's life. And look now, ev

to dad one-on-one. In dad's work

he chaos that happened, while Hana. Now Laksmi and

ou Hana." Said Ad

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