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The One Time Rejected Omega

Chapter 4 Mate!!!!

Word Count: 1176    |    Released on: 04/04/2022

r 4. M


cle Yelled at me and I flin

too much so I have to wait for my turn". I said b

have some important things to do or you woul

useful for the Feast preparation." Aunty s

o prepare some of the delicacies


weats from my f

eded a cold and refreshing

hen slope and rested

when the chief maid screamed my name

d called me and I turne

those dishes righ

ng sluggishly to where

tes I was done w

the rag on my left and w

s." I told her and she sign

best friend, she derives joy

ur presence right

l did aunt Lilliana communicate wit

questioned me jolti

ry I apo

o refused to get a mat

e a bit because I am alr

t to where Aunt

as, I gave her a slight bow befo

d told me you needed

Arielle, because your prese

keep th

a sound warning that y

our room immediately after the party st

ion and I wouldn't want to even see your shadow outsid

to your room because the part

y room like a zombie t

ok off my clothes and walked strai

ame out of the bat

h the towel and I w

the bed as I close my eyes a


ap on my legs an

who woke me and I found

and all I coul

ry beautiful

rmal kid because she doesn

the royal family, he


I help you? I asked her

but I was pressed and I was searching fo

tly opened then I went insi

if you can show me the way." She exp

eed to be sorry." I said giving

she was standing, held her hands, and to

he silence immediately

take me back because I don't know this

d rushed to where I

st for a minute bu

thing that has ev

hat I did but here is this littl

do her business and she c

here I was and

?? I que

giving me a

ugh where we were going to w

e scent of werewolves

I perceive

ent but its compelling domin

d me; made me feel like I had no

yes, I could also smell a bit of chocolate too

I'm runn

was the more the s

t it gets more worst as the

s searching for the thing that

when I saw a figure

on the figure I felt a s

as I ran to wher

auty in front of me. It should be a

g at him, I could stil

or a single moment and then c

nside of me I heard a gi

yes rapidly. W

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