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A Mafia's Possession

Chapter 4 "No one dares Me!"

Word Count: 2075    |    Released on: 04/04/2022

pping his hair across his face. The guards immedately straightened their

Begarmo, a small Italian

n so long he stepped his feet on t

vacation, he was here f

heir heads bowed down, none of t

urage of guards and headed towards t

or at the end of the staircase. They instantly went stiff

sign of respect to Raphael a

dimmed and empty in furniture apart from a sunken sofa placed at the middle. There wer

with their clothes awfully stained with blood; torn and dirty

wledge Raphael's presence but didn't say a word to him, focu

g them to me" Raphael grunted b

ushed towards Raphael, their bodies causing a l

omas went over and ripped the blindfold from each of the injured men making

ld blue eyes, silence and fear spread li

them blurted

ou three faring?"Raphael asked with his tongue-in-

ed pale on seei

ly take a miracle for

lip. Raphael browsed the three badly bruised up men. Rocco had a fractured nose, blood

rry!"Raphael yelled before bolting

anguish as Raphael

the goods sent to Egypt, I fucking trusted you three in particular to oversee this job b

Rocco pleaded,his body becoming pale

ng to suppress his urge to shoot them instantly. The three me

e"Raphael b

ched thi

at enveloped the atmosphere after Rapha

o Lorenzo and roughly yanked the dagger he was holding. Coming to Rocco, he gripped his

hard way or the easy wa

ith his lower eyelid becoming te

the dagger across his throat, drawing out

immedately like a dying man not able to handle

gaze narrowed to Alberto who lo

reedy. I just wanted to make more money"Alberto pleaded once

ed a hand in his pocket, bringi

cigar between his lips, puffin

drugs and ammunitions right? Has it been sold to the pharaohs al

s. The plan was for the exchang

how m

e goods through the boarders and one of us had to to finalise the dea

wn to him and gave

now why I so much despise betrayal? Let me tell you a short tale"

ut melting out death to any of his staff, he would start by telli

e got passed to his son inlaw for his own selfish reasons after he stepped down. They had me, they fought, had arguments and the bitch betrayed him and left us. My own m

l finalize the deal with the Egyptians and swindle the pro

hing by his side once more and dragging his chestnut brown hair whilst the man grimace

flared up before stab

l precisely dug the dagger


struck and squeezed their eyes

g on his face and shirt. He stabbed him repeatedly till Alberto's voice died down and his body became lifeless

nd walked over to Rocco and Matteo. They

on the Egyptians and their Russian counterparts. They must not suspect a thing. Necessary arrangements will be made pertaining your arrival back to Europe. You won't travel to Egypt alone. Some men will accompany you and keep an eye on you tw

ld take about twenty men and meet with the Saudis. I need a smoothe trade. Tell him to travel to Lebanon with some troops when he has me

e parts of eastern Africa and the middl

heaved his hand at hi

This is a mafi

had always indulged in this so w

ted to speak but his voice trailed

ouldn't be poking his nose in my business. If he wants girls he should go to a brothel. Not

erworld. As cold and heartless as he was when he took the mantle of leadership,

t clenched as he thoug

. I'll be leaving now. I

phael walked out of the cella

* *


f shoes walking inside the room. The silver rays of the moonlight s

on the sunset bedstand la

and his features morphed in

e you awake?

s of my mouth drawn downwards

d. His shirt was thoroughly tainted with multiple red stains a

ed somebody"I said as I came do

hunny"he told me

pointed my index finger at t

t expect it to be this sort of late. Then you come back home by four in the morning with your shirt crimson red and yo

slightly and his lips tw

quando sei

does that mean?

his bottom lip, his eyes sc

xy when you

ok and I could feel my legs being

ared at him. "Go bathe Rap

get to spend time together ok. I'll make it up to you baby"he reass

y face as I watched my husband ope

gerous but lo

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1 Chapter 1 "New beginnings"2 Chapter 2 "Meeting the family"3 Chapter 3 "Trouble Brewing"4 Chapter 4 "No one dares Me!"5 Chapter 5 "Surprising Her"6 Chapter 6 "Conspiracies"7 Chapter 7 "Love and light"8 Chapter 8 "Meeting the Godfather"9 Chapter 9 "A frenzy of Panic"10 Chapter 10 "I love you Nicole"11 Chapter 11 "Discovering the Safe"12 Chapter 12 "Oh Lord! Sweet Pleasure"13 Chapter 13 Will it or will it not 14 Chapter 14 "Duty calls"15 Chapter 15 "When Devils Meet"16 Chapter 16 "Time and unforeseen occurrences"17 Chapter 17 "Scream Nicole! You are Mine!"18 Chapter 18 "The Accident"19 Chapter 19 "Fears"20 Chapter 20 "Hell hath no fury"21 Chapter 21 "She's alive!"22 Chapter 22 "The Devils You Know"23 Chapter 23 "Watch Your Back"24 Chapter 24 "An Enemy In The Shadows"25 Chapter 25 "Unsettling thoughts"26 Chapter 26 "Plots, Love and War"27 Chapter 27 "The flashdrive"28 Chapter 28 "Duty Calls"29 Chapter 29 "Scandals cooking"30 Chapter 30 "I still love you"31 Chapter 31 Enemies Had Come To Play32 Chapter 32 Uncovering The Mystery33 Chapter 33 Foggy plots and twists34 Chapter 34 A wedding 35 Chapter 35 Welcome to Mexico 36 Chapter 36 When there's smoke, then there's fire 37 Chapter 37 Deadly assassins 38 Chapter 38 Betrayals39 Chapter 39 Welcome to Havana 40 Chapter 40 Meeting the Garcìas41 Chapter 41 Mum 42 Chapter 42 All is not as it seems43 Chapter 43 An imposter 44 Chapter 44 Blood in a wedding 45 Chapter 45 Guns and Blood46 Chapter 46 Grief in the Air47 Chapter 47 A visit to a priest and a drug Lord 48 Chapter 48 Fears and Death49 Chapter 49 A trip back to Hell