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In Love With Her Abductor

Chapter 3 He's drop dead gorgeous

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 14/04/2022


we take an elevator

f you want ' He said

I mumbled un

e, we hadn't even gotten to the mi

g and he didn't have s

a robot or

ase, we got to the sitting room and there


ck was to me, so I couldn't see his face, a

re ' The guy I

damn! His feature was wo

f their sockets, as I sta

and went to heaven, cos this

green and had this dark aura, his nose were straigh

wake' I heard him say

linked my e

that deep hu

ou kidnap m

into his pockets an

said again, he just kept starin

ards me, making me m

w much do you want

didn't sa

y there was none, even if there was, with all th

hen they find out you're hold


ant, I wanna see

' I said pointing a

nd then my back hit a wall. I

me, I saw his eyes darken

ow why I took

r, cos I was s

ts pain ' He said and I coul

owed m

?' ' I man

y dad pain, so I wanna do same to

got the confidence,


dead on h

yna say that you kidnapped me just because of that... Because you wanna cau

me and immediately, I regret

peed on myself. I just hope he doesn't ta

led, my eyes widened in shock.

you st

ngered on me

eat ' He said and walked past

hought with my mouth open

of the bodyguards said, making m

uickly sat down before they change thei

et the table, different kinds

of them made

will soon feed you. I thought with a satisf

I began to eat, I didn't even raise my

n I say hunger

leaned back on the chair. I rubbed m

id walked

ith me '

tely, I

ere?' I

room ' S

id almost i

way I'm going bac

izing I had over reacted. The body

m sorry ' I

I meant was your b


' I m

, we climbed up the stairs,

the door before us. She turned the d

oom ' She said as I l

ppers offer bedroom

' I said wit

he left, I lo

lan... I thought as I

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