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Babes Stripping For Love

Chapter 2 Auditioning

Word Count: 1547    |    Released on: 15/04/2022

o hours at her lawyer's office wanting to push her cheating ex-husband into paying her full alimony and child

hing her sleazy husband wouldn't do to make sure she didn't get anything from him. The small amount of alimony barely covered all her ba

ad almost gone for paying her unqualified lawyers

lming herself down until she finally cried, sobbing so hard, letting all her feelings out. It took her twenty

ving for her baby. She loves Hazel to death, she'd do anythi

on makeup, but her eyes were still a bit red. So she smiled and told him she was fine, from

, I just need to shake my a

oked uncomfortable with her remarks and it

u... for

is head, opened the door

table but the music was pumping beats as there were two dance

here Cassidy was sitting on the sofa wearing her shorts and t-shirt. A th

e's going to audition for us. And send her

further into the changing room. Bree gasped the moment she saw all the sheer glittery l

of lingerie, stacking her preference on the fluffy one-seater by t

side and says, "we'll pick the four-inch ones." Bree mentioned her size and Cassidy h

her ass and calves looking perked from the heels, and she gaspe

the heels to see if it's comfortable to dance with.

ihanna is always one of my favorites." Bree shrugged thinking she'd do a better dance with a beat rather than a slow seducing k

let's jus

t you in for the

, o

in a suit, who looked like a scarier version of Elvis

he songs. "Sorry, some emergency situation, the big boss is there. Don't worry, as the scary guy said, he'

an I get a do-over if

e is available for practice. The two women got off the stage and smiled at her, taking their

song in her mom's class. It was the stripper song that made the class more

back rest on the pole, ass perked back keeping her cheeks between the cold steel. Her other hand seductively reaches down her leg trailing her dainty finger

less than three minutes but she managed to climb the pole and snake her hands and thigh then let her hands

she managed to work the pole perfectly. The beat kept her hips

Cheerleading my ass!" Rocco grunted a

sses." Bree explained and Cassidy cu

rt?" the mom in her with too many

answer when his phone buzzed with an incoming

e was in. "Inform Jojo to speed up her license, Bree you need to provide her y

nk you, I needed this." She was a bit teary, but she shakes her head

mplete background check on her. That's all, you're all dismissed." The boss waited until the click from his office door was heard and he

ng in on their human trafficking business, Gage buy them out and made the club legal. He turned it upside down and made all the girls ge

r. He turned to look out his office window, giving his men his backside not wanting them to see when h

bit too much to seek men's attention, but when he saw her d

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1 Chapter 1 Opportunity2 Chapter 2 Auditioning3 Chapter 3 Juggling4 Chapter 4 Danced5 Chapter 5 Needs6 Chapter 6 Newbie7 Chapter 7 Boss8 Chapter 8 Fever9 Chapter 9 Kindness10 Chapter 10 Trouble11 Chapter 11 Comfort12 Chapter 12 Dependency13 Chapter 13 More14 Chapter 14 Date15 Chapter 15 Staying16 Chapter 16 Little Sunshine17 Chapter 17 Happiness and More18 Chapter 18 Ex be Damned19 Chapter 19 Back at Work20 Chapter 20 Uncertainty21 Chapter 21 Nosy Sibling22 Chapter 22 Family Dinner23 Chapter 23 Much needed Intimacy24 Chapter 24 The Other Ex25 Chapter 25 To be Cared for26 Chapter 26 A Beachy Day 27 Chapter 27 Loving you28 Chapter 28 Confession29 Chapter 29 Independence sucks30 Chapter 30 Confession and reality31 Chapter 31 Family Support32 Chapter 32 Engaged33 Chapter 33 Broken34 Chapter 34 Lingering Feelings35 Chapter 35 Action and Reaction36 Chapter 36 All over again37 Chapter 37 Coffee Date38 Chapter 38 Zoo Day39 Chapter 39 Dinner Date40 Chapter 40 Perfect Day41 Chapter 41 Happiness42 Chapter 42 Exposed43 Chapter 43 Hurtful Facts 44 Chapter 44 Jealousy and Rejection45 Chapter 45 A Day of Opportunity46 Chapter 46 Lunch Talk47 Chapter 47 Screwing up48 Chapter 48 Sweet Surprise49 Chapter 49 Private Show50 Chapter 50 Weekend Stay51 Chapter 51 Getting Intimate52 Chapter 52 Family53 Chapter 53 Older Boyfriend 54 Chapter 54 Heart to Heart55 Chapter 55 Friendly Reminder 56 Chapter 56 The Party and The Ending57 Chapter 57 Pretty Woman58 Chapter 58 Judged59 Chapter 59 A New Day60 Chapter 60 Awakening61 Chapter 61 Nursed62 Chapter 62 Ruined Afternoon63 Chapter 63 Dare to Dream64 Chapter 64 Intimacy and More65 Chapter 65 Siblings 66 Chapter 66 Girlfriend Material67 Chapter 67 The Past and The Future68 Chapter 68 The Shift69 Chapter 69 All in70 Chapter 70 Announcement 71 Chapter 71 The Ballerina 72 Chapter 72 Family Friend 73 Chapter 73 Sindy74 Chapter 74 Hot and Cold75 Chapter 75 Confession 76 Chapter 76 Hot definitely Hot77 Chapter 77 Payback 78 Chapter 78 Explained 79 Chapter 79 Dom80 Chapter 80 Date-Talk81 Chapter 81 Subspace82 Chapter 82 Falling for Him83 Chapter 83 Girlfriends 84 Chapter 84 Feelings85 Chapter 85 Getting Help 86 Chapter 86 Hostage87 Chapter 87 Love88 Chapter 88 Free at last89 Chapter 89 Parents90 Chapter 90 Framed91 Chapter 91 Home92 Chapter 92 Intruder 93 Chapter 93 Secrecy94 Chapter 94 Anonymous95 Chapter 95 Sweet Charlotte 96 Chapter 96 Closer97 Chapter 97 Future98 Chapter 98 Bridesmaids 99 Chapter 99 Problem 100 Chapter 100 Problem