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The Wanderer's Necklace


Word Count: 4589    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

it from its prey. Noting the anger in her eyes, he fell back and prostrated hi

account. To-day I leave the city for a while for the Baths whither I am sent. You must not accompany me because of the duty I have laid upon you here. When I return, be sure I'll

, saluting. "May the Augusta return in he

e broke in. "Captain

to bow at each third step, as was the custom. The process was some

office and your head. What! May I not give secret orders to my trusted officer and not be spied u

hamber with their slaves and gifts, I gained the great terrace of the pal

rls about you, Olaf?" she asked moc

" I answered, ha

When did you begin to use the royal scent upon that yellow beard of yours, Olaf? If any of us w

ll. Yet it is true that these rooms re

ir. Well, what gift had my

guard certain pri

arrying much pay and place. You are in good favour, Olaf, and I hope that when you come to greatness you will not forget Mart

a friend, Marti

your feet. Yet I doubt you'll not walk it, being too honest; o

e is the only quiet place in Constantinople.

one should believe and keep the saying. Oh!" She went on with passion, "we are but sham

you stay th

o come as her officer of the Person; but, Olaf, this other business rose up of a new governor for the jail in which the C?sars and Nobilissimi are confined. I saw a chance for you in it, who, although you have served all th

trouble, and I follow duty. Martina-may I say it to you?-you are a good woma

t they will never do. Indeed, I

rst into tears, and,

sta kissed me? I took it that this was some kind of imperial jest. It was known that I kept aloof from women, and she may have desire

for which I blessed Stauracius, although at the moment, being but a man, I had cursed him. And now why did Martina-the little, dark Martina wi

ith war, not women. Wars had brought me to the rank I held, though, strangely enough, of those wars I can recall nothing now; they have vanished from my vision. To wars also I looked to advance me in the future, who was no courtier

ate prison, with all authority, including that of life and death should emergency arise. Moreover, this governorship gave me the rank of a general, with a general's pay, also such pickings as I chose to take. In short, from cap

mmoned. I went out, and there before me stood a dazzling band that bowed humbly to me, whom yesterday they would have passed without notice. Their c

o my mind that Irene might have changed her

d Governor, Illust

I answered, "do yo

at visi

wed to walk. It was surrounded by a double wall, with an outer and an inner moat, the outer dry, and the inner filled with water. There were double gates also, and by them guard-towers. Moreover, I see a little yard, with posts in it, where prisoners were scourged, a

religion. Perhaps in all they numbered a hundred men, and with them a few women, who had a quarter to themselves.

ere allowed to receive presents of food and other things sent to them by their friends. All these presents were supposed to be inspected by the

les of the young Emperor Constantine, her son. These figs were being carried past me formally, when something about the appearance of one

I touch

strange, since I thought that I

plied; "the truth is

ig to a long-tailed, tame monkey which was chained to a

, who was trying to depart while my back was t

ther matters, and all the

to whimper like a child. Then it foamed at the mouth, was seized with

"and therefore it is fortunate for you that you ate too much

ing. Only I doubted. The fruits were brought by a woman whom I thought that once I

? It would be best to tell me

ntine would be rid of his uncles, whom he fears, th

r something more," I said. "Therefore, I will not j

ked about his desperately; then he sprang at the fruit, and, seizing a fig, strove to thrust it

m well, but search him. See also that he does himself no harm

ed in the book, General?"

the C?sar Nicephorus and his royal brethren,

saw the poor monkey l

," he said, and th

, since I had appointed him myself. Without telling him anything, I bade him examine

later he returned, and showed me an open fig.

s it?"

, the stalk has been drawn out, the powder blown

ey have mixed the stalks. I noted that the purple fig had the

rve well,

ad, I hunted game in the far North. Also I learned to k

d; and went about his busi

thout being seen. This chapel was situated in a gloomy crypt, lighted only with oil lamps that hung from the massive pillars and arches. The day was th

, and his face was made dreadful by two red hollows where the eyes should have been. Yet, notwithstanding this disfigurement, and his tonsured crown, and the broidered priest's robes which hung upon him awkwardly, as he stumbled through the words of his office, to this poor victim there still seemed to cling some air of royal birth and bearing. Being blind, he could not see t

ey, not sinners, to be released by death alone. I remember that, as the meaning of the scene came home to me, I recalled the words of Irene, who had said that she believed this world to be a hell, and found weight in them. At length, able to bear no more, I left my hiding-place

arly. The four with the split tongues gabbled in his ears. Now and again, when he could catch or guess at the meaning of a word, he answered the speaker gently; or the others, seeing that he had not understood them aright, painfully tried to explain the error. Oh! it was a p

e tree, and chattered like startled starl

orth, no treacherous Greek, and the men of the North are brave and upright. Once, when I was a free prince, I had some of them in my service, and I loved them well. Our nephew, the Emperor, offered a large sum to a Northman to blind or

I rose from my seat and saluted him. Thereon they all gabbled again with t

pressed by man. General Olaf, the promise is of little worth, but, if ever it should be in my power, I will remem

ich are more to me than any honours kings can bestow. Now, sir, I wi

resembled him strangely, especially in the weakness of their mouths and chin

not suspect, for my duty here wherewith I was charged by the Augus

the story of t

rs welled from his hollow eye

done this," he said, "for never will h

Nicephorus, and it is said that your

iest of me, and I seek peace only. Can I and my brethren help it if, mutilated though we are, some still wish to use us against the Emp

u from your enemies, and for that reason has placed me here, it seems not in vain. If you would contin

l," he answered. "Oh! that I mig

t to find, Prince," I

been great and fallen from his greatness, one whom Fortune had deserted utterly, whining at Fate like a fretful

that, during the following night, an impulse drew me from my bed and caused me to visit the cells in which these princes were imprisoned. Four of them were dark and s

though a hand I could not see were guiding me. I returned to the door of the cell, and now through it hea

re he hung, struggling. His hands had gripped the rope above his head, for though he had sought Death, at the last he tried to escape him. Of such stuff was Niceph

t him in my arms. Already he was swooning, but I poured water over his fa

s this, Prin

ared. Oh! I tell you that when I thrust away that stool, my blind eyes were opened, and I saw the fires of hell and the hands of devils

ave put it into my mind to visit you to-night. Now swear to me by that God that you w

uld never break the oath. After he had sworn I told him how I

u that I might be saved from the most dreadful of all sins. Witho

, and, having untied the cut rope

nd found it wanting. Now, however, I was sure that some Power from above us had guided me to the chamber of Nicephorus in time to save his life, me, who, had he died, in a sense would have been guilty of his blood. For had he not been driven to the deed by my bitter, mocking words? It may be said that this would have mattered little; that

but that I discovered the plot through the jailer who had introduced the poisoned figs, and defeated it with ease, thereby gaining much credit with Irene and her ministers. If so, of this plot history says nothing. All it tell

uls, for they were more si

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