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The royals

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2369    |    Released on: 19/04/2022

that , you and Adebimpe may go i

gone with your daugh

, after lot of persuasion, she f

o the necessary things that w

e back from school ," said the queen""i saw him shortly before you enter the living room' said the king "Adeola call one of the palace made for me" ordered the king "Ashake " Adeola ca

him, my prince , the car is ready , he said , his not going far , alright, no problem " as he was going,,we f

to be furious at the

are you coming from ?" Asked the queen , mother ,"am coming from my friends and cla

go back to your duty po

debayo , now , tell me , who are th

friends, i will invite all of them wheneve

any are they ?" t

nds ", Adeba

oys or girls? "

is near, i will give you the date , so that you can invite your friends" "ordain Adebayo said ,, what is that ?"Adebayo asked , , that day you will be crowned as a prince" said the king ",okay , so i will become a crowned prince, asked

mother entered as the queen entere and sat down, th

them the food ,as they were eaten ,Adebimpe sai

ement "? the

ission ", Adeb

egistration and some other necessary things.", thank you my daughter for honouring me and

u intend to do at the univ

can you be a doctor while you are suppose to be a lawyer ,have you forgotten that you are from the royal house, and every members of th

nt and i have my reason for it , and my reason is best kno

of your age to behave mannerless, stand up and say sorry to your father ,ask for him to forgive you" said th

rooms she followed the king to his chambe where king is tthinking about the behaviour of all his children ,the queen console him , and promised

ing about her future status and her future family. she is going to have .All the maids and the guard were in the compound gossiping about everything that happened in the royal house ,and the driver join them later said how

woke up and she headed

was your night ? did you sle

w are you ?, has the childre

l come back ",

ready in time ", said the queen, " Adebimpe ! Adebimpe! , th

m , i don't want to leave my room scattered , if i finish the

id , can't she do it

th me ,we're doing it to

she washed her mouth, and then later bath" , not too long the queen comes out of the bathroom while her maid still waiting for her i, the quee

is two Alright ?

, and the maid helped her to zip up , and told her makeup artist to just blend her face with little makeup , just t o make her face smooth and sharp , , the makeup artist finished with the makeup , and queen s

, let us go in time,

st ready" ,

aiting for you downstair

ng replied, " i am fine , i have been waiting for you and Adebimpe so that we c

is ready and the table is

mounts to the account of queen, and the king call his personal assistance and told him that he dosen't want to attend to any

you chamber and relax'"

do in time and come back because two of us can not be missing

impe and Ayodele the personal assistants and escorts , they went with three cars , the queen and her personal assistance were chatting and laughing, but Adebimpe did not talk, lat

queen answered yes i am , i was asked to lead you down to his office, said the man , the man enters his car and he leads the convoy, as they reach there the escorts came out of the car and positioned themselves then the personal assistants

gs" , said. Adebimpe , ! the man answered, "

ss sent us to you

the princess admission and the r

procedures?" as

way , everything is written in black and white, here are the list of the payment

", said the queen .please do you have p.o.s machine here or will should go and withdraw ? " , the queen ask " .no my q

trar make the necessary payment there, don

not discussed about the

the hostel ",

e for commoners, and we have v.i.p lounge , and we

for her and one her maidens an

two suites, one for her and her escorts

e amount is among the l

he dean began to mark the list and handed it over

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