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Terror in the mountains

Chapter 4 Highway saga

Word Count: 3825    |    Released on: 19/04/2022

te with medium built. She had just finished her post graduation in physics Her boyfriend Luke was, a nice looking guy with wavy hair and when he smiled his, eyes crin

ea, of a prank vary not good this is. " Again it rang and again the same mumble but this time it was, audible and clear. " Did you checked on your front door lock " it said. Tia felt cold all overand ran down and the door was locked! The phone was ringing upsrairs in her room she hesitantly picked it up. And there was laughing and Lukes voice came on the line. " I really did scared you didnt i " he said. " Luke it was

And, to carry some torchlight " Tia, said. " Is it because of that news report of a prisoner having escaped and roaming the highways. I still dont understand how they have still not nabbed him yet " Luke said. " Okay bye see you tomorrow then. Are any of your friends, coming too " Tia, a

gothic friend of yours Ness shes a kind of wild child i am sure she will make you all participate in some of her so called fun activities " her father said. Tia got up and walked ourside in their back garden. It was a mildly sunny day and a cool breeze was blowing. She was wearing jean

drive Luke " Tia, said. " Thats fine i am just drinking a, little bit to energise myself " Luke replied. " Who said, that drinking beer energises, someone " Ness, added. " Me, says, " Luke laughed. After driving for one hour. Luke said " now who wants, to sit in the drivers seat i think i need a rest. " " I will drive for sometime but wat happend about that goth friend of yours he was supposed to join us " Tia asked. " He said that he will join us un midway maybe

hiking. He was, dressed in casuals and was, wet from the rain. But there was no baggage along with him. " Should i take him " Tia, asked. " Of course not " Luke said. The rain stopped. And the moon came out of the clouds washing the lush green trees with a cool glowing white light. A cool breeze was blowing. Tia opened the window. And drank a sip from a can of coke. Ness got up. " Allright guys i will do the driving now " she said

its already weird here , i would rather sleep in the car " Ness added. Luke nudged away Tia. " We are staying here only. " " Come on Luke stop arguing with this guy and lets, go " Ness said and Tia took Lukes, hand and they got out of there. " Can you believe that man " Tia said. " I know " Ness, said. They reached their car. And got in and with a, spare blanket slept. The rain drops were pattering on the car window panes. In middle of night Tia woke up and saw a shadow of a man at the lodges window. She was surprised as to why that man inn keeper was standing there. Again she slept. Later after some time. A slight knock could be heard on the window. She got

eard oytside. Of some one walking. " At this hour who could be walking around here " Tia wondered and slowly got up. She opened the door and peeped out and saw it was the inn keeper walking with a, candle in his hand. " Oh my god what is, this, creepy guy doing at this time of the night now " Tia thought and quickly closed the door. In morning as they got up. Mild sunlight was coming inside the lodge room. " Wake up fast weave to go from here " Tia said to Ness. " There is no hurry as such lets have some breakfast " Ness said. And slept back again. Tia shook her up and Ness go

ia said " now lets halt to eat something here " pointing towards a small restaurant on the way. Luke parked the car and they entered inside. And ordered burgers with coffee. Smell of french fries was wafting from the kitchen. The waitress came and served them. As, they were eating Tia saw, a guy siting beside them on the next table. He was, sitting in a hunched position. Tere was,something suspicious about him. " He looks similar doesnt he i bet hes that hitchhiker guy " Tia said. Luke turned around and saw him. " So he did got a, ride last night " he said and told Tia, to have coffee. " Is he following us " Ness asked. " Why would he " Tia, said. " Maybe he is that escaped prisoner " Ness told. They finished and went off. But they missed seeimg him turn and look their way. Evening started falling. " So are we now halting at ur goth friend Georged house because i am

orrow. Her mother said it was good that they were making the trip short. " So thats it mother said that shes glad we not doing more of the, road, trip " Tia told everyone. Luke said " her mother is, always the worrier. " And Luke tried to on the television. But there was no network showing. " Here sometimes the net does not catches " George said. " You know what we did saw a, hitchhiker on the way and to me he fitted the escaped prisoners description. And in a restaurant on the way too i spotted him " Tia said. Next day they drove back. To return. George was driving the car. He was a fast driver. After few hours of driving night came and jerkily the car halted to a, stop. " What was that " Ness exclaimed. " Let me go out and check the car " George told and got out. He opened the bonnet and was checking. It was taking him too long. " Its so dark outside we shouldnt have had let him go out to check alone " Tia, was saying. " So did you found out wha

aid shocked. Hitchhiker was standing on the, side with a, menacing grin on his, face. But Luke did not stopped the car. He immediately took reverse and drove back through another route. " This weirdo how is he following us i think he does has, a car. And do you know this path that we, are, driving on " Tia was panicking as Luke kept driving. From behind them a car followed them and Ness, shouted " its that man hes followin

hem that escaped prisoner is, here behind us chasing us. Give them the location " Luke said. As Tia, was calling Ness looked back and saw that the car was still there. And gaining speed too. " Hurry up " she shouted. " I am already driving at full speed okay " Luke said. " They are coming in their patrol car " Tia said. Tia turned around and saw that suddenly the mans car was not in sight. " Hes gone! " she exclaimed and soon her breath became less rapid. Luke said " must have gone back or taking another route. " But the remaining way he was not seen and after two hours of driving they reached Tias ho

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